Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wind Blown

We may be 600 miles away from the east coast, but Sandy is making her presence felt here too. I took a walk before it got really bad yesterday, and though it was cold, a little rainy and windy at that point, these pictures show the lingering colors of October. There aren't many leaves left on the trees now, but if you look closely, you can see some beauty in the branches.

These leaves with bright golds and reds, rustle in the wind and stand out against the bare branches and the gray skies.
A few pretty leaves, hang on to this small maple tree for a last show of color. The current fifty to sixty mile per hour wind gusts, will ensure this tree will be bare soon too.

This one brave flower can be found peeking through the leaves next to my porch. Nature is resilient and reminds us to look for the fleeting beauty to be found in the calm before the storm.

Keep safe indoors on this windy Tuesday :-)

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Raindrops and Daisies

Mockingbird Hill Cottage


  1. Stay safe. So many people affected by that storm!!

  2. Glad to hear you're making it through the storm! We are inland as well but have been fighting the gusts of winds but have managed to hold on to our power so far. Have a great (and peaceful) week! Blessings, Nancy

  3. Hi Vicki, I lost power last night but it came back on at 6 M. I did OK, no damage, but others here are in flood waters and trees are down, and still without power. It was a really rough storm. I never saw Manhattan streets flooded out from the Hudson and East Rivers. Unbelievable. xo

  4. Praying for everyone affected by the Storm! BIG HUGS!

  5. I hope things get better for you in your area, Vicki. I woke up wondering how bad the East Coast got it, we are all just so worried about this storm and it's damage. I'm glad you got your power back and I hope the winds die down. Be safe.


  6. It's amazing how huge of an area that this storm has affected. We got the brunt of the storm where I live. (About 2 hours from the jersey shore).

  7. This storm has been amazingly far reaching. Glad the fingers only brushed by you. Ann

  8. Glad you are riding out the storm well. And your autumn images are so very lovely!

  9. This post is a beautiful example of fall colors. The colors of the leaves are magnificent at this time of the year.

  10. Hi, those are lovely surroundings and the post is so positive despite the conditions. I love the inclusion of that lone flower. It might be serendipitous, but i posted almost at the same thought you just did. And yours is before the storm, mine is after!

  11. Nature hanging on through thick and thin... good weather and bad. Loved your pictures.

  12. Glad you are 600 miles away ~ Great autumn photos ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  13. Love how the flower blooms in all the turmoil. Keep safe!
    Joyce M

  14. Hello Vicki, Your photos are lovely. Any trace of Fall color looks good to me. Especially the black eyed susan sticking out amidst the leaves. A great photo op.

    Happy Outdoor Weds.
    xo, Jeanne

  15. We're feeling the wind here, too, but our trees are still holding on to their leaves. Love the pictures of the woods in autumn.

  16. Olá, Vicki, lindas imagens você compartilha. Nosso outono não tem e\ssas cores lindas como o seu! Sandy me entristeceu! Abraços!

  17. Maravilhosas fotos de Outono! Lindo!. Abraço. Ailime

  18. I am so thankful you and your family are safe.
    Smiles, Dottie

  19. So much beauty in the simplicity of nature. Man can never compete. I am so enjoying your pics!

    Susan and Bentley

  20. Vicki,

    Bom saber que você e sua família estão bem.
    As fotos são lindas. Abraços

  21. We really felt the wind here - I don't know how strong the gust were, but they were pretty frightening. But I am beyond thankful we didn't experience any damage. So many people are facing such devastation.

    Your photos are lovely. Thank you so much for joining in this week.


  22. I used to go hiking.

    Trees always talk to me in windy days.

  23. so glad you can still find beauty before the storm. stay safe. xxo

  24. Some of those leaves just hang on and on. They look so fragile, but can be tough.You have a lot to be thankful for this year.

  25. OH how neat to find the flower among all of that.

  26. I love that yellow flower! It's such a pleasure to see the ones which just crop up in cracks and such.

  27. Love the beautiful flower among the leaves.

  28. Oh, we felt Sandy in So Florida even though she didn't even come on land. Her winds were not so bad, but the surge in the Northeast was not in their favor. The flower reminds me of the human spirit...courageous and determined to live on.
    Thank you for sharing. Happy Green Day.

  29. Thank you for sharing at Your Sunday Best this week -- those effected by Sandy are certainly in my thoughts.

  30. Love the colorful leaves, and the little flower.

  31. Wonderful last fall leaves and last flower. Lovely.

  32. Beautiful photos!
    Have a nice week!

  33. i was surprised that more leaves didn't get blown off our trees!


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