Thursday, July 3, 2014

Around the House and Garden




July brings us into summer with a flurry of holiday festivities, but it is the little things happening around my house and garden that mean summer has arrived.

We are enjoying simple, candlelight meals on our patio.



And, there are signs of patriotism both inside and out.



My corner perennial garden is thriving and starting to bloom. It's hard to believe this corner was previously the home of my daughter's trampoline. I have nurtured it the past few years; planting new perennials each season and it's starting to look the way I envisioned.



Even my clematis has rewarded me with a bloom or two this month.



Annuals add a bright splash of color here and there. I recently planted some marigold in a spot where a hoard of insects ate their way through some coneflower plants. I've read that marigolds repel insects with their strong scent - another gardening experiment :-)



My sister gave me some sweet pea from her garden and it is planted near a tree and slowly winding its way up a metal trellis. The booms are so delicate and sweet.



Right on schedule, at the beginning of July, my precious daisies are blooming. Soon I will be out in the early morning, with coffee in hand, cutting pretty bouquets for my kitchen.


Have a fun, festive and happy 4th of July weekend!



  1. Hi Vicki, Oh your photos are great. I love your flower bed and the daisies are a favorite of mine. Many years ago, I had an elderly brother/sister who lived next door. Each day when I came in from work, they would present me with a gorgeous bouquet of daisies from their yard!
    Wishing you a safe and happy Fourth!

  2. Your garden is looking really pretty, Vicki. Happy 4th. xo Laura

  3. What a gorgeous little oasis you've created there; a perfectly serene spot.

  4. Your garden is beautiful! I have some pictures from MI of a home near my MIL's and I would love to recreate a garden like theirs. I will have to see if I can find the old pictures and send you one.

  5. I love your perennial garden. It looks very peaceful. A groundhog chowed down on my enormous dahlia recently. So sad as it was full of big buds just waiting to pop. Trying to save it by moving it up high but we'll have to see if it makes it. Enjoy the 4th!

  6. I love the blue lobelia planted in the tree trunk. Ingenious!! Happy 4th, my friend!

  7. Everything is coming up flowery! Very nice Vicki . . .
    Happy 4th . . .

  8. Everything looks wonderful Vicki..My Daisies are very prolific this year..

  9. Daisies are just the happiest little flowers, aren't they? Years ago, at our first house, we had a clematis that never bloomed - not once in the 8 years we lived there. My husband was convinced it was some sort of a mutant, non-blooming variety. Fortunately since then we have had better luck with the beautiful vines!

  10. I love your flowers! Especially the blue ones! =)
    Your garden is so lovely.

  11. That trampoline garden is really pretty. Isn't it fun to watch your plants come into their own?


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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