Monday, July 14, 2014

Two Years





This past Friday was the two year anniversary of Life in My Empty Nest, and I couldn't let it pass without some reflection on what blogging has meant to me. When I first hit that publish button, on that first post, two years ago, it was a scary feeling, putting my words, thoughts and feelings out in the world. I had planned on trying to write five times a week and I wondered if that would grow tedious over time.

Two years and 485 posts later, I can safely say that I have met that goal, with only a few days off here and there for vacations, holidays and every day busy life. The words have come easily and the variety of the posts I like to write, has kept things fresh for me and I hope for you too.

Perhaps my favorite thing about blogging is the feedback and connections built with those who read every day. It is a strange thing to feel a connection with those I have never met, but I do, especially with my fellow empty nesters. I do believe if you write from the heart, about what inspires you, you will find like minded readers who can become friends. It has been an interesting, fun and introspective two years.

Here's to many more - thank you so much for reading :-)

Happy Monday - planning a little summer fun this week!



  1. Congratulations, Vicki...
    I am so glad that I found your blog. You have been responsible for me reading more, by giving your book reviews. Reading your blog gives me a slant on how younger women feel about matters. I love reading about your get togethers with family and friends and those fabulous book club meetings....with food..yum!
    Keep the posts many of us enjoy you.

  2. Congrats Vicki! I'm grateful to blogging because I got to meet you! Hopefully, in person some day. Have a wonderful week.

  3. Funny that you post this on the day I return to blogging after a five month unintended hiatus. You are is scary to begin and scary to begin AGAIN. But it is those connections and friendships that brought me back. I've read your blog all through my "break" and always enjoy it immensely!

  4. Hi Vicki, I love your blog and I started a blog 12 days ago titled "Empty Nest-Whimiscial Journey to Survive and Self Actualize." A way to survive the empty nest and a "cracked "relationship with a fun daily challenge of new experiences, reflection, sources, and some biblical guidance. at
    Its a daily blogg for the summer but I thought I can be the only one in the universe that going throught this. Yours is really great and inspiring and I can relate to what you write today.

  5. Happy Blogavesary Vicki and cheers to many more. Hug B

  6. Wow Vicky Happy Blogiversary to you! What an accomplishment and so glad we are blog friends! Wishing you another wonderful year of blogging.

  7. Happy BlogPostAnniversary . . .
    I have enjoyed you very much . . .
    I especially enjoy your posts on your friend, book group . . . fun pictures and feisty food pictures.
    Plus I love hearing about your girls . . .
    Book reviews . . .
    Tiger games . . .
    Michigan State . . .
    and much more!

  8. Happy Blog Anniversary! It has been such a joy and pleasure following along. And agree, writing from the heart and what you are passionate about is what truly matters.

  9. Congrats on 2 years of blogging! You have been one of my favorites since I joined blog land! Much success to many more years of blogging!

  10. Congratulations on your anniversary and I'm so glad that you still find blogging fun! None of us knew what we were getting into when we started but I can't imagine life without it. Here's to many more years of sharing and caring!

  11. So glad I've been along for (most of) the ride. I just read your first post and it spoke so much to where I was when I started my blog - plus a move to a new town. A simple, calm life - what I also strive for. Still working on that after three years of retirement.


  12. Blogging is wonderful! I think I have been blogging for 5 years! I use it as my journal and LOVE having it all there to look back at:) I have enjoyed following along with you dear friend, have a blessed day!

  13. Happy anniversary Vick. I tend to run out of things to write about. That's why I'm taking a little break right now. I have enjoyed your blog. Keep up the good work. Have a good day.

  14. Two years! Wonderful! I've been in a blogging dry spell, but I have to agree, the best thing I've gotten from my blog is meeting so many people from all over! Ann

  15. Congratulations! I love your determination to blog every day - something that I've never been able to do. I love your pictures, stories and menu ideas from your book club. So glad that we met online and looking forward to meeting in person, too!

  16. Congratulations, Vicki! I enjoy your blog. It's very much a chronicle of your life - and we too are empty nesters. It's a great season of life; I enjoyed the other seasons as well but life marches forward.
    :) Beth

  17. I feel a connection to those that read my blog also. They are truly my friends. I do need to be more dedicated to my blog though. I started it as a "scrapbook" of my family and it seems as though I have been lazier as my nest has emptied. I think I need to regroup and concentrate on other things. I enjoy your posts!

  18. I love the "thoughts and feelings" posts on all the blogs I follow. I may skim over book reviews or other, more formal, posts, but I always stop to read the personal stuff. It's like having coffee and a chat with a friend.

    I'm not sure I've been around since you started, but close. An I still enjoy our visits. Thanks for blogging.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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