Friday, July 25, 2014

An Afternoon Walk




It was the kind of afternoon that you just have to take advantage of every summer. The kind of weather that doesn't come around often in July, but was that perfect blend of blue skies, puffy white clouds and mild temperatures. The perfect day for venturing out from my usual path and taking a walk by the river.



This path by the river runs very close and changes scenery as you follow along. There is grass along the edges in spots and then beautiful flowers will begin to appear.



The further you venture along the path, away from the crowds, the more wild looking the river becomes. Would you believe this is all found just minutes from a bustling downtown?



My puppy, the best walking buddy around, was brave enough this time, to walk right to the edge of the shore and take a sip of the crystal, clear water.

Walking is therapeutic for me; both physically and mentally. I walk every day, rain or shine and am lucky to have beautiful trails in my neighborhood that do give me variety. But, sometimes, jumping in the car and exploring new sights on a beautiful summer afternoon can be just what the doctor ordered :-)

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Beautiful Vicki . . . I liked the best walking companion ever part . . .

  2. So pretty! I just love days like those, unfortunately we don't get those much here in the lowcountry of SC this time of year.

  3. Your vacation photos and this river walk are just beautiful--so peaceful and full of color. I like how you appreciate the beauty all around you!

  4. Beautiful scenery. I need to walk down by our fields/river more often.

  5. Looks like a lovely spot for a walk. We've had some surprisingly nice temps here this summer too, today being one of them.

  6. Lovely pictures ....I felt I was there enjoying the walk with you.

    All the best Jan

  7. What a beautiful place to walk, Vicki! Recently we hauled our bike to a local lake and rode there. I just love summer, don't you? :)

  8. Beautiful summer day! I bet those trails are equally gorgeous - if a bit more chilly - in the winter.

  9. We walked yesterday morning too. It was glorious! Today, not so much - muggy and looking like rain. Have a good weekend.

  10. Well Vicki, that's my kind of walk ... get away from the hustle And bustle and soak up nature. Have a great weekend.

  11. Yes you have a beautiful place to walk and enjoy nature while getting exercise! Enjoy your weekend dear friend, HUGS!

  12. You have a very pretty area in which to walk. I walk probably four times a day. We don't have a lot of variety. When of hot and muggy like it is now I cut her back to three times and I agree with you. It's good for us both physically and mentally. Have a great weekend.

  13. What a pretty place to go walking. I need to do that more often!

  14. It's a beautiful spot...good for the soul, and your companion is adorable!

  15. I agree Vicky, the simplest things can bring contentment. I blogged about going to the lake this weekend and it was the peace, beautiy getting to know new friends that made it special.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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