Friday, August 8, 2014

All Grown Up - Twenty One




Happy Birthday today to my beautiful, smart and thoughtful daughter, Melissa. My baby, my youngest is now 21 and she is living life to its fullest.



This week she is in Cape Cod, with her MSU Pompon team, having fun in the sun and doing extreme workouts to get ready for the upcoming season.



She traveled to California and the Rose Bowl this year, on a once in a lifetime trip with just her and her dad.



Her future shines bright in this year of becoming an adult; the year she will graduate from college. She is such a hard worker and balances class, Pom practice, a job and an internship with ease. She has spent the summer working hard for the Admissions Department at MSU, welcoming potential students to campus and planning large scale events. In the fall, she continues on with an internship, she started in the spring, which will give her even more experience in communications and event planning. All her hard work, will result in her big dreams coming true.

Here's to a wonderful day for her and a wonderful weekend for all!



  1. Happy 21st to your baby, and congratulations to her on doing such a wonderful job! I wish her all the best, and best of luck, in her endeavours!

  2. She is an awesome young lady! May she continue to shine! Enjoy the birthday celebrations!

  3. What a wonderful girl....Happy Birthday and many more.

  4. Hope your beautiful daughter has a fabulous birthday:)

  5. What a lovely daughter you have! I know how proud she must make you! My daughter's name is Melissa also......wishing her a very happy birthday! Make a Wish!!!

  6. What a beautiful young lady ! Wishing her a very happy birthday and may this be her happiest year yet ♥

  7. Happy Birthday beautiful girl!!! Blessings for another great year.

  8. ..... and 21 years goes in the blink of an eye.

    Good wishes to all

    All the best Jan

  9. Happy 21st Birthday to your daughter . . .
    Very pretty girl!
    And it sounds like she has al the ingredients to send her forward into the adult world.
    Congratulations to her for her diligent work ethic, internship, Pom Pom activities plus her studies too . . .

  10. She looks like she has a bright future, built on a solid foundation thanks to her loving family. Happy birthday!!

  11. Happy birthday to your baby girl! She sounds like a wonderful young woman with great things ahead. You and your hubs must be so proud!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  12. Happy Birthday to that beautiful daughter of yours!

  13. Go proud mom! She is beautiful looks like inside and out!

  14. Happy birthday! She is well on her way to success. Happy life!

  15. Happy Birthday to your GORGEOUS Daughter! I know that you are extremely proud of her and the choices she is making in life! Sending hugs to you and birthday wishes to Melissa!

  16. Happy Birthday to your Daughter! =) The photos of her are wonderful.

  17. Happy 21st birthday to your amazing daughter! Isn't it wonderful to watch your kids work hard and create their own success? This gal is going places, that's for sure!

  18. She's a very pretty girl. What is the internship in?


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