Thursday, August 28, 2014

Empty Nest Musings




It is the time of year when many will be experiencing an empty nest for the first time or after a summer of having your college age kids home, your nest is empty once again. You feel unbalanced and there is somewhat of a letdown after the flurry of college and dorm room preparations. And it seems very quiet. You want to call, but at the same time want to give your child their space.

This is where texting becomes your friend. When a phone call becomes too intrusive, but you need that daily contact, a simple text can make all the difference. I usually have some sort of text contact with my daughters daily. From a simple " how's your day?" to a full blown text discussion about our favorite tv show the night before. That simple contact, settles your mind and keeps your connection intact.

Most college students are busy with class, homework, jobs and life in general. A phone call usually catches them at a bad time and feels rushed, unless it is at their initiation. That's why texting can be so great for both the student and for you. Simple, daily contact that's not intrusive, but quick and even fun. It lets them know you are thinking of them.

Yes, it's great to hear their voice, but for day to day contact, texting will keep your child close at hand!

Happy Thursday!



  1. I agree son has been working abroad all summer and even though we don't ring or skype every evening, I always send a few texts just to know he is ok!
    Anne xx

  2. Yes, this is the one time I am so thankful for technology!! They love a message or picture from home. My girls eventually got in a routine of calling at a set time when they had a break in their schedule. The oldest calls now on her way home from work each day.

  3. Couldn't agree more .......

    All the best Jan

  4. Great advice, Vicki. This the only way we seem to stay in touch with my stepsons. Wish we'd had it when my own kids were in college a 15 years ago. It was hard waiting for them to call. They didn't even have cells back then, so that dorm phone would just ring and ring.

  5. So true . . .
    Best part, it works for them, and why not let it work for us . . .

  6. I've heard from many other moms about the power of the text. A casual check-in. You are so right about respecting the space of that child off on their own!

  7. I couldn't agree more! I also text with my mom (age 84) several times a day. A quick text sent or received can be a real day brightener.


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