Friday, August 15, 2014

My 2014 Gardening Successes




As my perennial garden winds down for the summer and the last blooms; my Sweet Coneflowers, begin to open, I wanted to take a look at how I met the plans I made for 2014. In the early spring, when I am still waiting for the snow to melt, I usually write a post with my dreams for my garden and some new plants I would like to grow. Not elaborate plans; but the addition of color and flowers that make me happy.

Some things I wanted to try can be found here, and you can see I accomplished many of the things, but with a twist.



I successfully transplanted some Sweet Peas from my sisters's garden and even was rewarded with a few blooms. I will be training the vines to climb this trellis, come next spring and hopefully I will see even more of these pretty blooms.



I combined my planting of Zinnias and herbs into a large shallow pot and have been enjoying both the pretty blooms and using the herbs in cooking. My original idea of using an old ladder as a shelf for herb pots was put on hold, but I may try it next year.



Our biggest project was not in the perennial bed, but involved updating some tired landscaping in the front of the house. It made a big impact and we are so glad we did it. We had the old scrubs removed and the stumps ground down and that was money well spent. The planting and addition of the rocks was something we did on our own.

It was a wonderful growing season here, with ample rain. I hardly used my watering can and all the flowers look healthy and vibrant. I will enjoy the late summer blooms for the next few weeks, then it will be time to plant those fall bulbs and look towards the next season of plants.

"Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow" and of course, there is always next year to add something new to your garden.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Linking with Between Naps on the Porch and Savvy Southern Style



  1. Two of a gardener's most used words...Next year!
    I love your idea of zinnias and herbs together.

  2. Beautiful. I am hoping to add more perennials next year. I just looked back on pictures of our newly landscaped front yard from last spring and cannot get over how much everything has already grown. Now that all the main areas are established, I can't wait to just have some fun.

  3. Looks nice, Vicki! I too am making garden plans for next year as this year begins to wind down. But, there is still plenty to see (and do) in this year. I always say I garden until the first hard frost...and then I clean up the garden! And in the wintertime, I rest! lol

  4. Gardening is having a great attitude about today and tomorrow!...:)JP

  5. Looks good, Vicki. And once those small bushes fill out in the landscaped area, it's going to be really nice. Wish I could say my spring "to do" list was as well done,

  6. Vicki, I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed your garden tour. The herb pots are a great idea and will reduce the amount lost to bugs and animals. I'm sure the front of your home looks nice with the shrubs gone and the stumps ground down. We've done that as well and have a clean slate to landscape next summer. It's amazing how ~ over time, things get overgrown make the property look shabby.

    We are enjoying a warm summer in the Pacific Northwest and are thankful as there are times when we are "exposed" with no roof over our head ~ during the construction of our home. Living on site has me a bit stressed and I find myself doing a bit of hand ringing and taking lots of deep breathes. The home is being reconstructed in stages. Today insulation goes in upstairs, sheet rock to follow, cabinets will be complete on the 28th .. and things are moving along to begin the demo for the kitchen and vaulted ceilings. We are on schedule and I should be back blogging mid September.

    Enjoy your weekend! xxleslie

  7. The seasons come and go and the plants and flowers are so nice to see and enjoy.

    You've done well this year.

    All the best Jan

  8. My husband is the gardener in our family. He can't wait to get back to our home in Chicago so he can "dig in". Although not a gardener myself, I do appreciate the beauty and the effort it takes to create a garden. Your pictures always make me smile!

  9. Lucky you with the Sweet Peas . . .
    I have no success.
    You are urging me on, think I will try again
    with Sweet Peas and some Queen Ann Lace too.

  10. I love garden projects and planting flowers. It's fun to experiment and see what works. I planted sweet peas last year and they barely came up and nothing returned this year. I always thought they were so pretty and wanted to enjoy some. I'll have to try it again next year! The new plantings under the tree look great.


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