Friday, August 29, 2014

Tailgating Season Begins




My favorite time of the year begins today. It's the start of college football season and that means tailgating begins. We have MSU season tickets for the first time in a long time, so instead of random tailgates here and there, I know we will be attending each and every home game. I can't wait be on campus this fall and enjoy those crisp and cool fall days surrounded by all the color and beauty.

I have all my MSU dishes ready to go and we look forward to a fantastic season of football. The first few games are usually rather hot, so the tailgating menu needs to be adjusted accordingly. We plan to grill hamburgers and hotdogs at the first game and take along enough food to feed all our students who will be stopping by to visit.



This layered Mexican Dip is a favorite of all and holds up well in the heat. In fact I call it the best tailgating dip ever. Find the recipe here.



I love grab and go items for the tailgating table and for the first game, I am making these Proscuitto Wrapped Asparagus. It is also perfect for a hot day and can be served at room temperature. Find the recipe here.



Everyone loves a sweet treat on the tailgating table, especially the students stopping by. These Oreo Brownies are always a big hit. You can even use flavored Oreos to match your team's colors, if you choose. Find this easy recipe here.

Have a wonderful weekend and go green!


Linking with Savvy Southern Style and Kelly's Korner



  1. Ok, now I am hungry!! Yes, so excited for a new football season. Baylor opens up their season Sunday evening in a brand new AHHHmazing stadium. They had a special pep-rally last night with Phillip Phillips!!

  2. We love college football season in our house too! We are a Big 10 family too - my husband and one daughter went to Purdue for undergrad and the other daughter Ohio State.

    I'm sure it's even more fun to watch your daughter on the dance team. I have a niece who was on IU's dance team and we always enjoyed watching her.

  3. Proscuitto Wrapped Asparagus. What great food ......

    All the best Jan

  4. Sounds like fun...and delicious too!

  5. How fun! Tailgating is a tradition that Canadians never adapted to, which is a shame.

  6. Nothing more fun than college football. I'm excited that it is that season again. The Penn State game today was amazing. Very exciting. Have a good weekend.

  7. Tailgating fun, yes... it is that time of year:) YUM, OREO brownies? Can't wait to make these:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  8. I love this time of year also. This is the first year in quite awhile that we DON'T have season tickets, but we aren't big tailgaters even when we go. I would much rather go out after the game and save myself the work :) - but I admire your menu. It looks delicious! And since we'll be watching from home this year, I'll try your recipes - especially the asparagus! Thanks for sharing.

  9. I want to come to YOUR tailgate! Our teams don't meet this year so we won't have to take sides. Although I'm pretty sure you will be happy if we beat Michigan this weekend! Go Irish! ;-)

  10. I love tailgating and you remind me how much fun it is. I look forward to seeing where my daughter ends up going to college. Hopefully, there will be more tailgating in my future!!

  11. My daughter and my paycheck went to Michigan State so I am in love with this post. She'll be coming back this way for homecoming soon so we'll have to do a bit of tailgating here as well. Love your recipes!


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