Monday, September 21, 2015

A Different Kind of Tailgate




For our tailgate this weekend, since we were a smaller group, we decided to make a tour of some of the great places that East Lansing has to offer. Thankfully though, we were able to end the day with a traditional victory margarita at our favorite spot, El Azteco. The weather cleared and we were able to sit on the rooftop; a perfect ending to the day.



But before the win, our day started much earlier, at a new to us restaurant called The Soup Spoon Cafe. I have been wanting to try it, because Melissa had such good things to say about it and its farm to table ingredients.



My favorite way to start the morning on game day is always with a Bloody Mary and this one was fabulous. It was perfectly spicy and you could tell it was made to order. There were also two versions; the vegatable and the meat version. Yum!



I was a very happy girl when the waitress brought my Eggs Benedict to the table. All fresh ingredients and the eggs were perfectly poached. There is not much I enjoy more for breakfast than a Bloody Mary accompanied by Eggs Benedict. And, with the rain falling outside, we were also happy to be inside and dry, rather than huddled under a tent.



As we were walking across campus to the stadium, the sun came out and we decided to make a stop at the business school tailgate (my husband's college) and grab a drink and a cookie or two. These kinds of tailgates are set up all around camps for alumni and it makes game day special for those who don't want to set up their own.

We had a great day; it's always fun to be on campus and to try new things. Next week, once again, we will be back to setting up our own tents and entertaining, but this was a good change on a rainy morning. Another win and a number two national ranking has Spartan Nation in good spirits and frankly not knowing what to think. There have been a lot of years of being that other college in Michigan and we like our underdog persona. But, we will take all the love from the national press as they discover what we've always known - MSU is the best place there is.

Happy Monday!



  1. Ughhhhh! Let's don't talk about this weekend! We're still in mourning!

  2. Oh girl, those drinks and breakfast... my mouth is watering! Congrats on the win:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. The perfect combo - a bloody mary and eggs benedict. Sounds like a great day!

  4. I noticed that news and rating . . . and thought YAY . . .
    Looks like it was a great weekend . . .
    Bloody Mary looks yummy!

  5. Sounds heavenly! Sometimes it gets a little overwhelming to plan, cook, and bake for our tailgates....and everything I prepare has to make the two hour trip to Annapolis, so it's hard to keep hot things hot. I would love a week where we just visit some of the local bars that near the stadium instead of putting on a full spread!

  6. Starting your day off with a Bloody Mary sounds perfect!!

  7. Can you please do me a huge favor? Beat Ohio State, ok?


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