Friday, September 4, 2015

A Sneak Peek at Downton Abbey 6




There is a trailer floating around the Internet from Downton Abbey's final season and it looks to be heart wrenching. Season 6 begins later this month in England, but as always, I will wait until it is shown here in the USA in January. I will do my best to avoid spoilers, but the trailer does give an idea and a few glimpses of what might happen.




It will be hard to say goodbye to these characters that have become such a lovely part of our Sunday nights in the wintertime. January is a dismal month, but the premiere of Downton Abbey always gives me something to look forward to. For a sneak peek, click here for the trailer on You Tube, grab a tissue and get your first glimpse of a season to remember.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!



  1. Great minds think alike! I put Downton on my post too. Can hardly wait. Have a great weekend.

  2. I haven't watched but I have lots of friends who are talking about it! Have a blessed weekend dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. This is my favorite show and I will miss it when it's over!
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. I'm with you--looking forward, but going to miss.

  5. I think I might skip the trailor. I don't want to know until January.


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