Monday, September 28, 2015

First Weekend of Fall




It was the little things all adding up that made this such a great first weekend of the fall season. The weather cooperated all weekend and gave us blue skies and mild temperatures. The full moon was a beautiful sight every night and on Friday when I walked to my Bunco group in my neighborhood it was shining so bright on my way, the house lights up and down the street paled in comparison. It was one of those moments when you step outside yourself and notice the beauty of what is around you. Fall is a season for noticing the beauty whether it is a whole woods that glows with red, orange and gold, or the sight of a perfect, lone maple leaf sitting so perfectly on a pot of mums. We soak up the beauty and color of these days while they last and enjoy what the autumn season so vividly brings to the outdoors.





It was also a perfect fall Saturday for another football tailgate and another win for my Spartans. We were at our tailgate spot bright and early; still waiting for the sun to rise and bring us some warmth. We had a "make your own" Bloody Mary bar set up, to keep our spirits bright and lots of good food for breakfast. I made the egg casserole dish from my Tailgate! Pinterest board and post and it was a big hit with the crowd. Because the day was so beautiful, we even tailgated after the game and grilled hot dogs to go with our victory beers. We always make each tailgate a little different, with everyone pitching in to do their part and that makes it even more fun.

Happy Monday!



  1. How fun. I enjoy hearing about tailgating. Never done it myself, but it sure seems like it would be loads of fun!

  2. How beautifully written. I, too, love the colors and smells of fall. It makes me feel like taking on new projects, baking treats with lots of cinnamon and brown sugar, and spending more time hiking in the woods. Enjoy your week!

  3. Loved the thoughts that trickled through me as I read your words . . .
    Very nice Vicki . . .
    Spartans are on the top of their game!
    I think you are on the top of tailgating . . .
    Enjoy the rest of the week!

  4. It was a glorious weekend. We were up north of the city where the trees were turning just a bit more. Sadly it was for a funeral so we didn't get to explore too much. One of my husband's longtime friends lost his 31 year old son in a car accident. But the sun shone to welcome him home to heaven.

  5. What a fun time, thanks for taking me along! Sounds like a wonderful day! HUGS!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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