Friday, September 11, 2015

Game Day Memories




Tomorrow is a big day on the MSU campus as the home games begin with an important game against the Oregon Ducks. ESPN College Gameday will be there, hotels are full for miles around and tailgating will be the order of the day. We have many great memories of our game day fun over the last few years and in honor of the birthday (today) of the biggest Spartan fan around; my husband, it seemed a good day to reminisce and also look forward to many more good times on campus.







There will be lots of yummy food, the fight song sung too many times to count and cool, crip autumn weather. There will be tents filled with proud alumni and students. And, most importantly, there will be a football game played. As the announcer always says at the beginning of every home game at Spartan Stadium - "It's a beautiful day for football!"

Have a wonderful weekend and Go Green!


Linking with The Queen In Between



  1. Looks like you have a wonderful weekend in store. Enjoy!

  2. Oh yes! Football time is here and I LOVE it! Have a FUN weekend dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. What fun!! Great photos, and I know there will be more to come from this season!

  4. What a great time Vicki! I had to come over from Katie's, I'm in the Midwest too, the Kansas City area! As you know, Football is huge here! Go Chiefs!

    The Arts by Karena
    Featuring India Hicks!

  5. Wishing you a great, fun-filled day at MSU tomorrow!

  6. I love football season and tailgating! Have a wonderful time and happy birthday to your hubs!

  7. WooooooHoooooo!!!! Go MSU!!!
    Isn't college ball just the greatest?? Even tho we don't have fall weather and even tho we (LSU) plays away today, we still have
    I got huge game day tailgate parties.....even with an actual 1977 tailgate!! Story to come on my blog ...
    Happy Birthday to ur hubbs.....wonderful way to celebrate!
    ( I love your dog sooooo much!!

    1. Sorry for dis-jointed post.....typing on phone 😏


  9. Wow so much fun coming your way! I was able to participate in an ESPN game day at NC State many years back. So much fun! Enjoy yourselves :)

  10. Always the best when College Gameday comes to campus!! Good luck to your team this week!! Thanks so much for linking up with us.

  11. I just love the energy of home games, especially when Gameday is there! Sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your husband! What a way to celebrate! Thanks for linking up with us!!


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