Thursday, June 1, 2017

Beach Adventures






While we are waiting for the moving truck to arrive, we have been exploring some of the different beaches in our new area. One of the reasons we picked Venice, is its close proximity to the gulf beaches, including free and easy parking. We are also very close to the number one beach in the United States - Siesta Key.

The Sarasota area is full of tourists and we made the mistake of trying to go to Siesta Key on the Sunday of Memorial weekend. After driving around and learning about the area for a future visit, we gave up on finding parking and headed south to a beautiful beach on the tip of Casey Key, planted our beach chairs and had a relaxing afternoon. We even saw dolphins swimming close to shore. We decided that the next time we attempt Siesta Key, it will be earlier in the day and may involve mimosas.

One of the things we will enjoy the most is heading to the beach for sunset with just our beach chairs and a cooler with wine and beer. We found the perfect beach for this in Caspersen Beach, at the very tip of Venice Island. It feels remote and even a little like Hawaii, with a rocky shore and palm trees lining the sand. I've never seen a beach like it in Florida, but I think it may become my favorite. It is also full of seashells and shark's teeth if you want to wander, rather than sit.

Life in Florida is good so far.



  1. Fun to discover new places isn't it . . .
    Enjoy your days of all things new and refreshing!

  2. Beautiful! I love finding sharks' teeth, there is something so zen about needing to focus my attention, it relaxes me. :)

  3. Sounds lovely! I love searching for shells along the shoreline.

  4. Watching the sunset is one of my favorite things about the beach! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. Your pictures are beautiful and I'm so glad you're finding your way to a beach life!!

  6. Oh Vickie......we love Siesta Key!!! In our sailing days, we would anchor out there for days! Even attended a sunrise Easter service there one yr....gorgeous! You will love it there in the fall!
    Can't wait to see your new house. It must've finished if the moving truck on the way!! WoopWoop!!!!!

  7. I'm so glad you are enjoying Florida!! The Gulf beaches are just the best.

  8. Florida sounds wonderful! Enjoy the warm sun and ocean! Thanks for the reply on my last comment.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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