Thursday, June 29, 2017

Tropical Gardening



It's been a bit of a learning curve, figuring out what to plant and keeping alive what I have planted. There were some annuals that I recognized at the plant store, but I had no idea how they would do in the heat. I did plant some salvia, because I know it can take the sun and also some New Guinea Impatiens in a shady spot on the porch. I have been watering them every day, but just keeping the soil moist, rather than soaked.

I'm having better luck and less to worry about with the tropical plants. They definately can take the heat and also can stand a heavy rain shower without becoming saturated. My favorite is the hibiscus and I definitely want to get a few more. And, I planted a palm tree in a big pot which was a little surreal for this Michigan girl. The landscaping is coming in nicely and we plan on adding a palm tree to the front of the house. Every Florida house should have a tall palm tree with its fronds gently waving in the breeze, right?










It's all getting there and starting to feel like home. Melissa flew in last night, Megan flies in today and tomorrow is my birthday. It's going to be a great one!

P.S. A bit of blog housekeeping this morning - I changed my domain to and if you have been so kind to list my blog on your sidebar as a favorite, you will need to update the url in your list in order to receive new posts. It's easy - just delete the old url and then add Thanks so much!

Happy Thursday!



  1. I can already tell that you're going to have a great Birthday weekend!

  2. Happy Birthday weekend . . .
    Bet your girls are excited to see "all the new!"
    I am loving all your flower, plant additions . . .
    And YES . . . to adding a Palm tree for the front of your house . . .
    Liked the little potted one too.

  3. Beautiful plants for your new home! I know you are excited to have a full nest for the weekend:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  4. Well, Happy Birthday!! Sounds like its gonna be a good one! Enjoy your family in your new home, your flowers look lovely!

  5. Happy Birthday friend! Enjoy your time with your sweet girls. Everything looks lovely!!

  6. Happy birthday! I bet it's a learning curve from gardening in Michigan to Florida! My friend moved from WI to Texas and her stories of what she's learning are interesting.

  7. Happy birthday!! It's great that the girls will be home to celebrate with you. The house looks terrific and you seem to be doing just fine with the plantings! Palms can be dirty and they do attract Palmetto Bugs and 'fruit' rats. They also have crazy root systems so think about where you plant. Voice of experience here.

  8. I think you are getting the hang of local plants very well--your patio and pots look fantastic!!

    Have a fantastic birthday! I'm happy that your daughters will be there to share in it!

    Jane x

  9. Your pots look beautiful, Vicki! I changed your URL on my blogroll. Enjoy your 4th!

  10. Your house and plants look beautiful Vicki Happy birthday and have a wonderful time with your family this weekend!

  11. Have a fantastic birthday weekend with your loved ones. Beautiful tropical look for your new home. Happy 4th as well.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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