Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Technical Difficulties



Yes, my blog looks a little different today! It looks like the host my blog designer uses to store her designs is having some kind of issue that has replaced all my headers. I'm trying to get in touch with her, but I don't think she is designing blogs at this point, so who knows. Any recommendations for a good blog designer?



Update: Fixed by My Fairy Blogmother


  1. Uh oh...


  2. Same thing happened to mine this morning! I went to the design page and deleted the background (which was my problem) and now it's ok! FRUSTRATING!

  3. Linda from Life and Linda takes care of my blog. She has straightened out many blogs and if they want or need a new design she does it for them.

  4. Hi Vicki, I can help you with those images. I always host the images on Blogger, so they are always there. That way you have those much needed images yourself and not some offsite.

    1. All fixed! Thank you Vicki for the opportunity and the kudos.

  5. I just do my own, using Blogger. It allows you to update your design whenever you like, background, images, text colour and all.

  6. I did my own, but using Wordpress rather than Blogger. There are lots of designs to choose from and plenty of options within each of the available themes. The 'virtual assistant' is helpful.


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