Thursday, August 3, 2017

A Quick Visit in Pittsburgh



When you need to see your daughter and she needs to see you and talking on the phone just won't do, you have to remind yourself that a visit can truly be a plane trip away. So that's what I did. I flew to Pittsburgh for some much needed time with Megan and we talked wedding details, drank some good wine, did a little shopping and more than anything, spent some one on one time together in the midst a whirlwind year.

We are still a year out from the wedding and the big decisions are made, but there are many details to pick and choose and we spent some time on Pinterest getting lots of ideas. Her vision is going to be beautiful, simple and elegant and perfect for the venue. The next time I see her will be for wedding dress shopping in the fall and I can't wait to make even more memories of this special time in our lives.

When we weren't talking about the wedding, we ventured out one morning for a visit to the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in downtown Pittsburgh.


From the website:


A green oasis in the middle of Pittsburgh’s vibrant Oakland neighborhood, Phipps has provided a world-class garden experience to its visitors since 1893. Visit to discover breathtaking seasonal flower shows, stunning outdoor botanical gardens, free-with-admission activities for all ages, an award-winning on-site cafĂ©, and some of the greenest buildings in the world.

It was stunningly beautiful and we happily spent time wandering through the various glass greenhouses, all with a different theme. There was a butterfly forest with thousands of brightly colored butterflies amidst the flowers, a tropical rainforest, a children's area with a maze and other interactive exhibits and amazing blown glass art interspersed throughout the entire conservatory. We also enjoyed a wonderful lunch at the cafe and both of us plan on trying to replicate the chick pea and olive bruschetta we shared.

Perhaps the best way to understand the breathtaking beauty of this magical and peaceful place is from a few of the many photos I took.










Happy Thursday!



  1. OH MY . . . gorgeous!
    One on one, face to face, mom to daughter, daughter to mom . . .
    PERFECT "fly in trip!"
    Happy planning . . .

  2. How absolutely wonderful! I recognize Dale Chihuly's glass pieces throughout the gardens (or good knock-offs). It's so great that you had some good quality time with Megan.

    1. It's actually by an artist named Jason Gamrath, but equally as beautiful.

  3. Glad you had a wonderful time with your daughter. Great pics!

  4. What a wonderful time to spend with your Daughter making memories! A wedding is so exciting and the year will fly by! It is good that you are planning ahead so that you can enjoy the journey:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. Happy to hear that you had a lovely time with your daughter . . . I enjoyed my visit and the photos and tour were wonderful, thank you.
    Connie :)

  6. I spy some beautiful Chihuly pieces! We were in Pittsburgh recently for a wedding but didn't have time to visit Phipps. It will definitely be on the list for next time after seeing your gorgeous photos!

  7. That is an amazing place. I've never had any urge to visit Pittsburgh, but you've changed my mind.


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