Friday, August 18, 2017

Florida Decor - Dining Area










When we were selling and donating furniture at our old house in preparation for the move, my dining room table and chairs were the only thing I had a little pang of sadness about letting go. But, we didn't have a formal dining room at the new house and even if we did, the formal style would have been wrong. I was ambivalent about the new dining space, mostly because I had forgotten how big it was and you really can't tell from photos.

When we moved in, it was apparent that my kitchen table (several years ago from Pottery Barn) would fit, even with the addition of the leaf, as well as my bakers rack. There is plenty of space to move around and it doesn't feel crowded at all. Since the space is right off the kitchen and living area, we decided to make the wall a focal point and contribute to the coastal feel with the addition of white, weathered ship lap and a couple of brightly colored oars.

The rest of the decor is about texture, pops of color and beachy elements that remind you that you are in Florida. The jar of shells is filling nicely from our many trips to the beach. One of my favorite elements is the light fixture, because it's an unexpected modern shape and ties in with the brushed nickel fixtures in the kitchen.

When my daughters were here, we christened the space with a family dinner and it felt like home.

Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. Very pretty Vicki. I love the focal wall. And that table and chair set is a classic, you'll have so many options for decorating for the different holidays.

  2. Beautiful Vicki! We have been having the "what to take" conversations too... it's so hard to choose. I want to keep it all. lol. But, like you, when we finally leave Baltimore we'll be moving to Tennessee.. and we only want to make one trip!

  3. Perfect Vicki . . .
    Love the ship lap wall . .
    Splashes of color . . .
    Dining table style, plenty of space, comfort . . .
    Inspiring you are as I/we see you close one book, open a new book.
    Inspiring indeed . . . and realizing your happiness is really, really nice . . .
    Enjoy each new page . . .

  4. Oh honey, that is gorgeous! I know you are enjoying decorating your beautiful new home! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  5. I love love love this look! So beachy!

  6. I love it Vicki - especially the unique light fixture. We are going through a major remodel of our first floor so I'm going through the selection processes too. You seem much more relaxed about it than I feel! Glad it's starting to feel like home for you.

  7. I love the ship lap and all the accessories you chose to complement.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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