Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Brown Rice Noodles with Peanut Sauce




In my ongoing quest for healthy eating, I decided to try something new to me; brown rice noodles. I am not a big fan of whole wheat pasta and to be honest, would rather avoid pasta all together than eat what tastes like cardboard to me. I am a big fan of Thai takeout food, so I was hoping this could be a simple dish I could create right at home.

If you love anything with peanut sauce, this dish is for you. The peanut taste comes through, with just the slightest bit of heat. In fact, when I make this again, I would defiantly add a little more Tabasco Sauce, but that can be up to you. The brown rice noodles were fine and I liked them much better than whole wheat pasta. They probably could have used a minute or two less cooking time as per the instructions on the box, rather than my usual noodle cooking method.

This quick noodle dish was flavorful, quick and fresh tasting with the green opinions sprinkled on the top. A great find for a easy lunch or dinner when takeout just won't do.

Update: I thought the rice noodles were a little soft because I cooked them too long, but my daughter said they tend to be like that. I think I might try soba noodles the next time I make this.


Brown Rice Noodles with Peanut Sauce

1 package brown rice noodles

1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter

3 T soy sauce

1 tsp sugar

2 drops hot pepper sauce ( add more if you like a little heat)

1 clove garlic, minced

1/4 cup water

Chopped green onions

Cook brown rice noodles per package directions. While cooking, mix together in a small bowl, peanut butter, garlic, hot sauce, soy sauce and sugar. Thin mixture with a little water at a time until smooth and creamy. Drain noodles, return to hot pan and toss with prepared peanut sauce. Place in bowls to serve and sprinkle generously with chopped green onions. Enjoy!

Happy Wednesday!



  1. I am with you, I don't enjoy wholewheat pasta much either. Does anyone I wonder? Love peanuts. I must add peanut butter to the shopping list. Thanks for sharing this recipe, it looks perfect for week night. x

  2. This sounds really good, but I'm avoiding carbs right now. Filing it away for future reference!

  3. Now that sounds like something new and tasty . . .
    (great garnish idea for another dish I make . . . as well!)

  4. Sounds yum to me:) I am trying to eat healthier too! Thanks for sharing the recipe! Hope you are having a sunshiny day, HUGS!


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