Friday, August 25, 2017







Noticing: My puppy seems to have adjusted to life in Florida just fine. She doesn't seem bothered by all the changes and in fact seems to love the freedom of the lanai where she can feel like she is outside. The heat has been an issue with our walking, but I have learned to keep the walks to early morning or evening when the sun is less intense and she is fine. She had the run of the backyard at our Michigan house and loved chasing squirrels, but is not allowed in the back here at all due to alligators in the pond that is quite close. No squirrels, but she has discovered that sand cranes are fun to bark at when they walk by.

Watching: Broadchurch season 3 on BBC America. I usually catch this series on Netflix, but discovered it showing this summer and quickly caught up with on demand. This is the final season and I am enjoying it very much, especially my favorite, DI Ellie Miller. The actress who plays her is so talented and she really shines in these episodes dealing with a sexual assault.

Reading: I just started the new Sue Grafton book, Y Is For Yesterday. Welcome back Kinsey!

Feeling: Going to yoga regularly has got me feeling strong. I feel more flexible too and intend to keep it up. Life in Florida, with the older crowd, gives you a lot of incentive to keep active and it really is amazing to see those twenty five years older than me, biking, running, playing golf and tennis and living the Florida lifestyle.

Excited about: My Daughter's wedding! After we picked the venue and the church there was kind of a pause on decisions, but things are starting to happen. The bridesmaids are asked, the save the dates are ordered and in October, I will be joining Megan for a wedding dress shopping weekend. Can I keep from crying? Doubt it!

Looking forward to: A trip to Michigan this weekend! I fly out on Saturday for a visit with Melissa, my parents, my sister and my friends. I'll write all about it when I get back, but is really going to feel great to see everyone and feel like I still have one foot in Michigan, even though I am so far away.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Awww, looks like she's found a new favorite spot. Praying you have a safe trip. Enjoy you time back in MI.

  2. Bring a jacket . . .High 40's earlier this morning.
    Warmer at 51, right now . . . sunny, beautiful, no humidity!
    (MY kind of weather . . .)
    Happy "pup" is enjoying his new "special lanai space!"
    Thanks for the Reads, Feelings, Excited about, Looking forward to . . .

  3. Your pup looks like she has made herself at home! I'm watching season 2 of Broadchurch right it!

  4. Have a wonderful trip! We are heading for Ohio for 10 days, also seeing my sisters and friends. Safe travels for all of us!! Loved seeing your pup all comfy on the lanai!!

  5. Have a safe and fun trip. This will give you a break from the Florida heat. Enjoy.

  6. Everything sounds wonderful, Vicki! Congrats to the happy couple!

    Jane x

  7. Looks comfortable to me:) Enjoy your day dear friend, I look forward to hearing all about your trip home! HUGS!

  8. Awwwww she seems very content. Living in Baltimore we have a tiny fenced in yard, I can't wait to take my big boys to some place where they can chase squirrels and have more space to run. I love reading about your move and lifestyle changes.. it's inspiring. Have a fun safe trip.

  9. So much fun ahead of you! I'm glad you're settling in to your new home and state. Enjoy your trip back north!

  10. Sounds like you are enjoying yourself in Florida!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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