Monday, August 24, 2020



This is the time of year and especially as we head into prime hurricane season in September, that we ride the roller coaster of weather reports, hurricane tracking and the unknown.  I have learned to be prepared, but also go about your life, until it is pretty definite that something is coming.  And that might change too.

On Friday, when all this tropical storm/hurricane talk was starting, we had plans to drive south to Punta Gorda for lunch.  It looked threatening, but ended up being a pretty nice day for lunch on the waterfront.  The stormy weather held off until later and we had a great time exploring a new place.

On Saturday morning, it was still unclear where the storm was headed, so I stocked up a bit at the grocery store and had a relaxing day between the off and on storms.

By Sunday, it became clear we were not going to get much beyond a few storms from the outer bands.  One of my favorite things to do, when the gulf is volatile, is to head to the beach and see the waves.  They were rolling in with a bit of force and you could see something brewing way out in the gulf, but luckily, for this round, we were the fortunate ones.  On to the next.   

Happy Monday!


  1. Weather is so impressive. It's fascinating to watch a storm come in or how the enviornment changes when one is near. Hope all goes well to keep you safe this season.

  2. I'm glad the storms missed you and you were able to go out and enjoy the day. It seems the weather is crazy everywhere this year.

  3. So glad you could enjoy your day and that the storms passed you by. Stay safe and have a great week.

  4. Glad you were able to enjoy your day. I’ve visited this exact same place many times as we live within a short walking distance.

  5. Beautiful! I pray you are spared from ALL storms of this hurricane season. I know you love where you live (understandably) and will make sure to be well prepared for whatever comes your way. Hope today is a great one! HUGS!

  6. The weather has been crazy this year along with everything else. Glad the storms passed you by.

  7. Happy you have stayed storm clear so far!
    You look young, trim, tan, stylish!
    Love your “look!”

  8. I happen to be next. Laura is coming straight for my home and lakehouse. Most think that if you’re not on the coast, it won’t hurt you. This one is looking like It’s going to dump inches and inches of rain. Not sure I can handle one more flooding at lakehouse 😢. AND this morning workers are laying my entire house with new flooring...meaning it looks like all work will come to a stop right in middle of job...sigh****. And the thought of 65 mph winds whipping thru my 100yr old trees..😢

    Really 2020???? Really? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  9. I'm glad you were spared the brunt of the storm. I love the picture of the wave on the sand... gorgeous!

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