Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day Flags




On this glorious Memorial Day morning, the flags that I have placed around my home, help us remember the meaning of this holiday. A small flag placed in a pot of purple petunias takes a place of honor on the front porch, for all to see. Many of these flags will be waved by other Americans today at their hometown parades, up and down main streets, to honor the men and women of the military, both past and present.


In addition, up and down my street and on streets all across America, the flag will proudly wave on many homes, beautiful against the blue sky. By flying the flag, we remember our grandfathers and fathers who served in the military, doing their part to keep America free.



The stars and stripes will always stand for freedom and the brave Americans who unselfishly made so many sacrifices for all of us. We keep them in our prayers today and fly the flag today, in their honor.

Happy Memorial Day!



  1. I wonder why picnics, BBQ, celebrating is tied up in Memorial Day . . . No doubt the close proximity to warmer weather, summer. I do hope we can all remember and honor.
    Well said Vicki . . .

  2. Beautiful, and well said!! Enjoy your day.

  3. Respect for our country and our servicemen is a full time honor!...:)JP

  4. One of the things I always notice when I'm visiting the U.S. is the amount of flags flying regularly. I can't imagine how beautiful it must be with all the flags for Memorial Day.
    We have a flag pole in our yard proudly flying the Maple Leaf (second house in a row!). Right next door is a little park that had a sad torn flag flying, so we immediately replaced it when we moved here three years ago. If you're going to fly a flag, it should be one in good shape is my theory.

  5. I enjoyed your inspiring post, thank you.
    Your photos are lovely!


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