Friday, May 16, 2014

While I'm Waiting



The rainy days, one after another, for the past week, are getting me a little down. So, while I am waiting for sunny skies and warmer days, here are the things that are keeping me busy until I can finally get into my garden and do my summer planting next weekend (at least I hope!)



First, I braved the rain to see what might be blooming and I found that my sweet lily of the valley are looking so pretty. Soon, I will be able to gather a simple bouquet and enjoy their lovely scent. For some reason, this flower reminds me of my childhood and gathering bouquets of these for my mother. I didn't plant the ones I have, but inherited them when we bought our house and am so glad every spring, when they bloom. For many years when my girls were in parochial school, we also made a bouquet, during the month of May, for the blessed mother. So simple, but so sweet.






Another way to spend the rainy days, is to spend a little time on Pinterest and dream of how I want my dining room update to look. I started a Dining Room Inspiration board to help me plan some of the details. I think the first photo is closest to what I will achieve, but am also drawn to the softness of the other looks. Right now, I am making some final decisions and placing an order for the chair fabric. To see my other inspiration pieces, you can read the blog post here.

Finally, what better way to spend a rainy day, than with a good book and a cup of tea in my favorite mug. For lack of a better book to read, I have been re-reading the last book in Diana Galbadon's Outlander series in anticipation of her new book - Written In My Own Heart's Blood. It will be published June 10th and it will be downloaded on my iPad as soon as it is available.

Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Oh I love lily of the valley, so pretty. I am do addicted to Pinterest, you have some nice inspirational ideas fir your room. Have a great weekend.

  2. Hope the rain clears up for you soon:) Have a lovely weekend!
    ~Anne xx

  3. Lily of the Valley are my dad's favorite! I need to see if I can find them here at our nursery. Turned cold here too. I am so ready to did in the dirt!!

  4. Love that first dining room. Nothing better than a good book and a cup of tea on a rainy day. Hope you can get out in the garden soon. xo Laura

  5. At our old house I had such a nice patch of those! They remind me of May Day baskets! Rainy days are great for pinterest.

  6. Lilly of the Valley are one of my favorites too....simplicity at it's best!...:)JP

  7. The Lily of the Valley fragrance is so yummy . . . My friend Barbie is going to share some of her LOTV for me to plants in my woods. Happy days for me!
    Enjoy your planning during these rainy days . . . the sun finally arrived late today on the Western side of Lake Michigan . . . so it is either coming your way or you are enjoying it right this very minute!

  8. I am about to tuck in with a beer and a book;)
    Lilies of the valley smell intoxicating. I brought some over from a friend's house--we were digging up her hostas and a few hijacked along. Lucky me! Each year they spread a bit more and I enjoy them so much.

  9. What a lovely May tradition with your daughters; lily of the valley is one of my favourites as well. Love your dining room inspirations, especially with my dining room currently being used as a workspace, lol.
    I got my Mom and Stepdad hooked on Ms. Gabaldon's Outlander series a few years ago and they're waiting for the latest impatiently.

  10. Vicki,

    The pictures of your Lily of the Valley could be identical to the ones I took today. I was freezing and they were covered with droplets of rain. I think they spread from my neighbors yard under the fence and then are scattered in a lot of area of my yard...Maybe by the birds??

    Perfect weather for reading!!


  11. How do you control the lily of the valley? Mine have taken over one corner or the garden to the point where nothing else is growing. I love them, but....

  12. I love the photos of your flowers.
    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  13. I LOVE lily of the valley. Such delicate, sweet flowers!
    Thank you so much for visiting.
    Mary Alice

  14. Hi Vicki,
    so nice to meet you here in blogland.........thanks so much for visiting me and becoming a follower.
    and thanks for your comments on my post. So glad you like it..........I do it every Thursday and it has literally transformed my life.........

    So nice you have Lily of the valley......what a wonderful aroma that puts off and they are just
    so sweet and delicate. Also like the dining room inspiration fav is the 1st one too.

    I have an empty nest as well................took a lil while to get the swing of things since you
    feel like you worked yourself out of a job, but it is really quite fun and rewarding.......and I still
    get to see my son as he lives here in town with his wife and lil one, and my daughter just moved to N.C. back the end of Sept., so that was a lil hard, but it is an nice adventure for hubby and I now to go visit them. So it is working out.............
    Take care, and if I can find where to follow you .......I will do that!
    Blessings, Nellie

  15. It is a rainy day here in Georgia too! I got caught coming out of the grocery store with it raining SO hard! I had my flip-flops and slipped, thankfully holding on to the buggy! I didn't fall but, almost! The flowers are enjoying the water from the heavens! It is supposed to be a beautiful week here, I can't wait! Have a blessed week dear friend, HUGS!

  16. I have lily of the valley, also. They are so dainty and pretty! Sounds like you had a cozy rainy day!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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