Thursday, May 22, 2014

Planting Happiness





After the long cold winter we experienced, I still can hardly believe that flower planting season is upon us. This weekend is my traditional time for getting my yard in summer shape. I look forward to getting my hands in the dirt and making things pretty again. The sun is going to be in abundance over the next few days, so it will be the perfect weather to just be outside. There is a lot of hard, back breaking prep work to do, as well as the fun planting part, but it is a job that makes me happy and any aches and pains at the end of the day, are well worth it.



And, I get to go to one of my favorite places - the greenhouse. It is definitely my happy place and there is a smile on my face, as I wander the aisles and rows of pretty plants and flowers. I love to fill my cart with the favorite annuals that I plant each year, as well as a few new plants to fill in my perennial garden. There is no rushing this process and I love to read the tags and discover a plant or variety I have never heard of.

My list includes lots of classic red geraniums and pretty petunias for flower pots, along with mexican heather for filler. We were not able to purchase impatiens here in Michigan for a few years, due to disease, so I starting buying vinca for my flower beds and learned to love their hardiness. I also will be buying some black eyed susan to replace a patch near my front porch that didn't survive the winter.

You will find me this weekend in my yard and in my flower garden, doing what I love and what I dreamed about all throughout the winter months - planting happiness :-)

Happy Thursday!



  1. Sorry you lost your blackeyed Susans. :-( It was a horrid winter. The shots of the nursery are cheering, though. Can't wait to get over to our local nursery and get some bedding plants and my pond plants! Such a hopeful time of year. Thank you for stopping in at Cranberry Morning today!

  2. Impatiens have been banned here for 11 years because of that problem !!!
    I bought new guinea's instead - and you just reminded me that I need to pick up some Black Eyed Susan's - my Father named me after them - so HAVE to have them in my garden lol
    Good luck planting - I agree the aches and pains are worth every single moment of it !

  3. I'll be in my garden all weekend as well. There is still a danger of frost and we are getting a little too much rain for seeds but I'm so anxious to see some colour out there!

  4. Thanks for the info., and your kind comment! My doctor mentioned that, as well as it's connection with a number of other things which have developed over the years.

  5. It sounds as though you're going to have a wonderful weekend! I do love seeing all the beautiful blooms being planted! I'm probably a week or so behind you on this, but I'm very much looking forward to it!

  6. I will be sure and honk when I drive by. Have fun. xo Laura

  7. Greenhouses are one of my happy places! I just walk in a take a big sniff....ahhh! But it is so hard to come home with just a few things. Happy planting!!

  8. It's my favourite time of year!! We got started last weekend. But still have a lot of work to do adding mulch and weeding. Work I love.
    Have fun at the garden centre. And they call Disney the happiest place on earth. I think a garden centre is!!

  9. Your plant selection sounds perfect:) We do a lot of the same here in Seattle .. the Geraniums are always in pots. The red looks so pretty against the green forest back drop and I agree on those Vincas ~ super hardy, and always provide a splash of color. Enjoy your weekend! xxleslie

  10. Oh, I loving going to our friends greenhouses!!!! ...:)JP


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