Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Last Tango in Halifax




Too much caffeine, along with the resultant insomnia and you will find me searching for something to watch on Netflix in the early morning hours. I always search the BBC shows, because there is usually something I will enjoy and there are usually only one or two seasons to catch up on. My friend had been telling me about her new favorite show; Last Tango in Halifax and I was happy to see that the first season had finally landed on Netflix.

This show lived up to its recommendation, as I quickly watched all six episodes in a row. It is the story of Alan and Celia, their story of love lost for 60 years and found again on Facebook and each family's reaction to this surprise romance. The acting and the writing is so beautifully done and the scenes of the English countryside are truly breathtaking to see. If you enjoy unique characters, intelligent dialogue and family drama with a definite twist, you would enjoy this show.

And the best thing, is that the new season will be shown in America on PBS starting on June 29th. I'm so glad my insomnia led me to this wonderful show.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Thanks for the recommendation. It sounds like a program that I would really enjoy~

  2. Wow - this looks great! Can't wait to see it. We are binge watching The Following. Sooo good. Have a great week.

  3. You find so many interesting tidbits for us . . . thank you!

  4. Oh sounds wonderful Sorry that you are having sleep issues! I've been waking up at 5 everyday lately from stress and it's wearing me down.

    I just started watching Mr Selfridge and love it!


  5. Ooh, I love discovering new BBC shows. I'll check it out!!

  6. This sounds like a interesting show, thanks!

  7. Sounds great! I will set my DVR. But six episodes? All in a row? You didn't get much sleep that night did you?!?!

  8. Just caught an episode (they spent the night in the old hall). Kept my attention and liked the modern feel it had. Got to figure out where I am in the series. When I can't sleep I get up and watch PBS the rest of the night and then I take a nap the next day!!!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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