Monday, November 3, 2014

Hello November




A nice cup of hot chocolate on Saturday afternoon, started my favorite month of the year in the perfect way. November came in with brisk winds and the signs that autumn, while still here, is bringing us towards that first snowfall. November is a busy month, as holiday preparations begin. I always host Thanksgiving at my home and I have always thought it the perfect holiday. Family and good food, without the added burden of presents to buy. I look forward to my daughters being home for a long weekend and spending some quality time with them.

November brings cozy fires, soft blankets and nights turning on the lights earlier and earlier to chase away the darkness. Daylight savings time seems to slow the evenings down and bring a quieter pace to most nights. Cozy dinners are planned and candles are part of the ritual. The days will be busy with all the projects still needing to be done before the holidays, but as darkness falls earlier and earlier, my pace changes too.

November is somewhat of the calm before the storm of the Christmas holidays. I don't rush through these days and really don't think too much about Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I will still enjoy my autumn decor and do what I can to keep the ever earlier Christmas decorating in the background. I will celebrate November, because December will come soon enough.

Happy Monday!



  1. You are right . . . great minds think alike. We don't have snow here (not much at least) so our fall leaves peak around Thanksgiving. It is truly beautiful.
    Now, I'm craving a cup of hot chocolate.

  2. Nice post Vicki..I am in total agreement.The calm before the storm for sure..Enjoy your week..

  3. Lovely post. I don't even want to think about Christmas at this point. Much too soon. xo Laura

  4. The cooler temperatures do bring the holidays to mind! I had hot chocolate over the weekend, too!

  5. Hello November! We do thanksgiving here too.. for our small family and our neighbors. Last year, managing a retail store... I had to work on Thanksgiving ( which should be illegal!!!) I did the normal cooking, we had an early dinner and then I had to leave in the middle of it. Not this year... I plan to savor every moment. I'd love to tell you that it's going to be perfect.. but we know that's not gonna happen ~ something always goes wrong, luckily it's usually something that we laugh about later. ; ) Enjoy this peaceful month!

    Have you noticed more and more Christmas commercials.. last night, every commercial that came on had a christmas jingle. I admit that I am excited.. I have sooooo much to be thankful for this year, it's been wonderful ~ and I can't wait to top it off with a beautiful Christmas. ok.. I can wait a little. : )

  6. Love this post. I wanted to get me a cup of hot chocolate and cuttle up in my chair for alittle while.

  7. I love November too! As a Canadian, we don't have the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving. So it's a great month to finish those home projects, start planning the holidays and generally get organized for Christmas. I love it.

  8. I like someone (you) who celebrates and enjoys the season of Thanksgiving. The richness and warmth of the colors with thoughts of family and thankfulness is perfect.
    Happy preparations and even happier times with your girls home . . .

  9. I'm like you, savoring the peace of November.


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