Monday, November 17, 2014

Mass Mob




There is a movement going around the Detroit area catholic community called a mass mob. What this amazing group strives to accomplish is to fill the pews and give life to the many inner city churches by attending mass together as a large group, lifting up that parish community with love and support.

One of my friends had the idea to make a similar plan with a group from our parish. We plan to attend, as a group, a different parish each month and then go to brunch at a restaurant or at someone's home. My husband and I missed the first month, but yesterday we went to one of our favorite inner city churches and then had brunch together at a beautiful restaurant; twenty one strong.



There have been some changes at our parish that have removed the sense of community we all felt while our children attended elementary and middle school there. This gives us that sense of community back. We will end up attending mass at some beautiful older churches and experience the beauty of the catholic mass while sitting together as a group. After mass we will catch up with friends we have known for many years, but with busy lives, see too little. A wonderful idea to bring old friends together.

Happy Monday!



  1. What a great idea. I always love to visit other Catholic Churches when we are on vacation. We tend to stay in our own parish, but this would be something I would like.

  2. Great idea Vicki! I know that you will see lots of beauty and enjoy great fellowship with friends! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  3. GREAT IDEA . . . a sense of community feels wonderful, I am sure!

  4. What a fabulous idea!! Have a wonderful week.

  5. That's a great idea. why not worship and experience fabulous older churches and enjoy the Mass rather than dread going. some of the priests in our area are losing parishioners...time to move on and not away.

  6. That is an excellent idea!! Lakeland is blessed with four Catholic churches, and all are full at all Masses. Our church has 2,200 families and five weekend Masses. We are blessed, especially in the south, where Catholic churches can be few to none in some communities. There are over 300 churches in our city of 100,000 residents! Bigger cities, though, are not as fortunate, and it is sad to hear of so many inner-city churches closing their doors. Thank you and your group for doing your Parish Hop! Awesome!

  7. What a wonderful idea, and on so many levels.

  8. This is a great thing to do, Vicki! I enjoyed reading about it too.

  9. That is a great idea! There is so little feeling of community these days. A wonderful way to revive it!

  10. I haven't heard about this before but love the idea. Our church in suburban Chicago has "sharing parishes" in the city which are parishes that we support with food, donations and other help. I know some people who occasionally attend Mass at a sharing parish but I think the idea of going as a group would send an even more powerful message of support.


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