Friday, November 28, 2014

Egg Souffle




I was up early on Thanksgiving morning, cooking, organizing serving dishes and getting ready to put the turkey in the oven. I also made a simple breakfast for my family to enjoy while watching the parades. This Egg Souffle is a dish that can be prepared the night before, but works just as well prepared the morning you wish to enjoy it. It is also very adapatable; I don't usually add other ingredients like ham, peppers or onions, but you could and it would be delicious. It puffs up beautifully when you bake it and looks very pretty on your table when prepared in an oven safe bowl.

I got this recipe from an old friend and it was always her signature breakfast item at many a brunch I attended at her home. The best recipes are those shared from friends :-)


Egg Souffle

12 slices frozen white bread

6 eggs

2 cups milk

1/2 lb. shredded cheddar cheese

1/2 stick butter, melted

salt and pepper to taste

Remove crust from frozen bread. Dice into small squares. Spray 9x13 pan with cooking spray (I use a oven safe pasta bowl). Layer bread and cheese. Mix eggs, milk, salt and pepper with a whisk until well blended. Pour mixture over bread and cheese. Press down lightly on bread to makes sure all is soaked well with egg mixture. Top with melted butter. Let sit about 1 hour or overnight in fridge. Bake uncovered for 45 minutes at 350 degrees. Enjoy!


{Linking with these friends}


Rattlebridge Farm

Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style

Gooseberry Patch



  1. I haven't made something like this for quite awhile. Mine did have onions and some bacon too.
    Thanks my friend . . . for sharing your recipe . . . I will make it soon!

  2. Great recipe! I could totally see this with some hot sausage mixed in, too! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving with your family!

  3. how pretty it looks...and i just know it's delicious...

  4. That beats the bowl of Cheerios I'm having for breakfast. lol The picture of this looks amazingly yummy!

  5. Oh girl, that looks DELICIOUS! Enjoy your weekend, HUGS!

  6. Beautiful, Vicki! I make something similar, but I've never frozen the bread -- I'll have to give it a try!

  7. You are awesome. My family at the "extra" deviled eggs for breakfast. lol

  8. Oh yes this sounds so scruptious! I would love a taste test right now! I haven't tried a souffle in awhile but this egg souffle recipe sounds like one I could do!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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