Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 - Top 5 Posts plus a Favorite



It is always interesting to go back and look at all the posts written in a year and see which were the most popular of all. Since I write about a variety of topics, it makes sense that the most popular posts also fit this criteria.


Green Roses at the Rose Bowl


The most popular post was also the first post of the year and very appropriate for today. Last year at this time my husband and daughter were on a trip of a lifetime at the Rose Bowl in California. This year we will be cozy at home, watching MSU play Baylor in the Cotton Bowl.


Hair Remedy


The number two post was about my solution for winter dry hair and while I don't often write about beauty products, I think that hair issues are something that everyone can relate to. I still use and love both these products.


Updating Tired Landscape


A gardening post was the number three most read post of the year and it is really nice to go back and revisit this post, especially this time of year. I wonder what my next gardening project will be in 2015? Something fun to think about on the long, cold winter days ahead.


Sparkling Raspberry Margarita - Skinny Version


The number four post was a skinny cocktail and I was happy to see this since I always enjoy writing and sharing the skinny versions of drinks I come up with. Doesn't this look like summer in a glass?


Low Sugar Cherry Coffee Cake


The number five most popular post shows that any recipe can be made low sugar and it also highlights my love for seasonal ingredients. I think this would even be delicious with canned cherries if you wanted to make it right now.


Empty Nest Feels Empty


My favorite post of the year is a heartfelt one on living with an empty nest and how the adjustment is never easy. This blog has become a part of my empty nest life and helps me think things through by writing them down.

Happy New Year to all!



  1. I remember all of those posts. Happy New Year, Vicki!

  2. Nice recap Vicki . . .
    I enjoy you and "the style" you have created for the Empty Nest . . .
    Happy New Year for you, your guy, girls and pup . . .

  3. That is quite a varied subject matter. My college boy will be home Sunday and he loves a good berry crumble. Will definitely have to make one while he is here. Still a year and a half to go before we have a fully empty nest. Still strange to have the oldest gone. Time marches on and everything changes. Happy almost new year. Warm wishes, Tammy

  4. Love the year in review!! And, we will be watching the game along with you ;-)

  5. Vicki, I enjoyed your post. Since we are "newer" friends here, I hadn't seen a few of these posts. That rose is just beautiful!! Your girls are lovely. Happy new year wishes for you and yours!

  6. I guess I remember them all..I still use Aveda products..Thanks for the heads up!!...Happy New year, Vicki

  7. Holy cow what an exciting game today!!! I thought you guys were sunk but you just kept coming!! Congratulations - I bet it was a very festive day in your house!! Happy New Year!

  8. I've really enjoyed following along with your adventures this year, Vicki. Can't wait to see what 2015 brings to your family.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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