Monday, December 1, 2014

Thanksgiving Reflections




Thanksgiving came and went and was such a whirlwind of a day that we only have one photo and that's a selfie my daughters took late in the day. I always say that Thanksgiving is the easiest holiday to host, but it's also the hardest in the sheer amount of work required on that day. I like that you really don't need to think too much about the menu; traditional favorites will fill the table each year, but there is a point when the turkey comes out of the oven, you are making the gravy and just trying to get everything on the table that is exhausting. But, it's so worth it when you look at your family sharing the meal you have prepared.

Having my girls home together is always so special, even though we didn't do too much. We did brave Black Friday for a trip to Old Navy for our annual haul of fuzzy socks and warm sweaters. The thing I love the most, is just having my daughters lounging on the couch, in their pajamas or sweats and just listening to them catch up, giggle and talk. It warms my heart and makes every bit of holiday work and stress unimportant.

Happy Monday!



  1. Glad you had a great time. Great pic of the girls. Have a good week.

  2. Your girls are beautiful. Glad you had a happy holiday.

  3. You have it just right! Family is really what matters! The girls are beautiful.

  4. You have beautiful girls. So glad your Thanksgiving was great. Usually I think of taking pictures, but didn't this time. Just forgot!

  5. Love the smiles, very pretty daughters.
    How did they like the bathroom up do?

  6. My, what big blue eyes they have..How did they like the bathroom??

  7. What a sweet photo! Those special times of having your kids home are both glorious and fleeting. I'm glad that you are enjoying every second of it!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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