Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Pajamas




My daughters are home for Christmas and this empty nester is happy. We hosted a wonderful Christmas Eve brunch with my side of the family, attended Mass and then relaxed and opened presents last night. I always get the girls matching pajamas and don't think they will be too old for that tradition anytime soon.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours.



  1. Oh my gosh....what fun girls you have. Merry Christmas to all of you.

  2. Great picture . . . Merry Christmas to you Vicki and yours . . .

  3. Your girls are beautiful! Great pic! Merry Christmas, and may 2015 be filled with joy, peace and good health.

  4. Have a wonderful visit with the girls!!!

  5. Look at those happy girls in their new PJs! Love that sweet pic and I know it makes your heart happy to have them with you:) Have a blessed and restful "day after"! HUGS!

  6. Love the jams..they're are the girls..Merry Christmas

  7. such a cute tradition with the jammies! merry christmas!


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