Monday, August 10, 2015

Skinnygirl Margarita Cake {recipe redo} and Happy Birthday





Melissa's twenty second birthday was Saturday, but since she had plans with her boyfriend and other friends, we celebrated a day early and took her out for dinner at our club. We sat on the patio and since it was a lovely, cool night, it was the perfect way to spend a Friday night. There was a musician singing some old songs and playing the guitar and they brought her a hot fudge sundae, with a candle to mark the occasion.

But, she also needed a birthday cake. I let her pick from this fun list of 100 bundt cakes and she chose the yummy Skinnygirl Margarita cake; one I made for Megan a few years ago. It really is delicious, with just a hint of the margarita flavor. With a little decoration, it makes a really pretty and festive cake for a grown up daughter. I hope her birthday was as happy as she makes us every day of the year.

Happy Monday!


{Linking with these friends}

A Stroll Thru Life

Savvy Southern Style

The Charm of Home

Have A Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson

Gooseberry Patch

Between Naps on the Porch

Cozy Little House

Sunny Simple Life

Live Laugh Rowe

Skip To My Lou

Rooted in Thyme

DIY by Design

No Minimalist Here


Rattlebridge Farm




  1. That cake looks amazing and so yummy!! I need to try that recipe!

  2. What a lovely daughter you have and I'm sure she had a very happy birthday weekend! The cake looks yummy!! The hot fudge sundae sounds even better! :)

  3. Happy birthday to Melissa!! A good weekend for birthdays--my husband's birthday was Sunday. I don't think I can even look at anything margarita-related for a little while though--they make them bigger than I'm used to in Chicago, which is where we celebrated! :)

  4. Lovely birthday daughter . . .
    I hope she has a wonderful year!

  5. The cake is so pretty.........I may have to try it sometime. At first I thought it was a pic of you and I thought "wow, she's not old enuf to have an empty nest." As I read on I realized it's your daughter, what a beautiful young woman. I just stumbled onto your blog...nice blog.

  6. Here from Rattlebridge...:)
    I made my girl a Margarita cake a few years ago for her birthday, too. She loved it. :)

  7. Happy Birthday to your darling daughter! The cake looks delicious and fun for a grown up daughter. Thanks for sharing with SYC.


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