Monday, August 17, 2015

Late Summer Sunday




It's not often that I go to the pool alone, but that's what I did on Sunday afternoon. And, it was nice. The pool was crowded, since it was a perfect pool day; with hot and sunny August temperatures. But, all I needed to be content was my lounge chair in the sun, a good book to read and plenty of iced tea to sip on.

Summer in Michigan is to be savored while it lasts. Schools here don't begin until after Labor Day, so while things are winding down, the pools will still be crowded until then. We all know that while fall can be spectacular, we have a long winter to get through and these wonderful pool days will be only a memory.

These are the kinds of days that I remember when the winter weather comes. I have two thoughts that get me through those cold days; my garden and the flowers I hope to plant, but an even stronger memory is of late summer Sunday afternoons at the pool. The warmth of the sun, the coolness of the water when I take a dip, the sounds of happy families and the total relaxation that comes with the day.

Happy Monday!



  1. AHHHHH yes, a good day at the pool is perfect for me too:) When I was younger, School started after Labor Day and I think that is the way it should be! BUT... our schools here in the South have already started! Hope you have a wonderful day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  2. Slip, sliding away this 2015 summer is doing . . .
    I am ready for cooler days . . .
    Still time to walk the beach, porch sit and read though . . .
    And look forward to sitting around the fire pit, s'mores and visits . . .
    Enjoy your pool days Vicki . . .

  3. How nice that you could enjoy an afternoon in the sun!!

  4. You are so lucky to be able to dip your toes into a cool pool on these hot days!! It's been a glorious summer - something that will tie us over in January.

  5. Nice! You know our schools start the first week of August. Crazy. When I was younger we started much later and closer to Labor Day. I guess we have too many snow days so they start earlier. Enjoy what is left of your summer.

  6. Enjoy those pool days while they last!


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