Monday, August 31, 2015

What You Do





I try to do what I can for my parents. They still live in the same house I grew up in, in the same small town and really, considering their age, do pretty well. There are the usual aches and pains that come with old age and some memory issues too, but they take care of each other.

Yesterday, I took them some food I had been storing in the freezer. Just some meals that I cook and then put a portion aside and save in a freezer container. It's a small thing, but it helps them to have a few meals to pull out that are readymade and no trouble to reheat.

We had a picnic at a pretty park yesterday and sat and talked for quite a while. There is a nice pond, walking trails and even an old mill. I encourage them to get out of the house as much as possible and I think this reminded them of a nice place that they could easily go to. They are still quite active and do walk most days, but a change of scenery is good for anyone.

With elderly parents, who still live alone, there is worry most of the time, but you do what you can, to stay involved and keep in touch. As with anything else, it's the little things that matter the most.

Happy Monday!



  1. If I had another chance, I would ask my mom more questions, like how hard it was in the 30's to raise a daughter alone or what her favorite thing was About her grandparents or what she wanted to do with her life as a teen. Please take the opportunity tp ask those kind od questions now.

  2. What a sweet picture! Enjoy them, I know they enjoy their time with you and the things you do for them! Have a blessed day dear Vicki, HUGS!

  3. Enjoy your parents, Vicki! Sometimes they are gone too soon!

  4. What a blessing that you still have your parents and can spend quality time with them. I know it is a blessing for you, too. Enjoy them!!

  5. You are a good daughter! I bet they really appreciate you.

  6. They are blessed and so are you. So sweet and would love to have my parents around to enjoy those kind of moments.

  7. What a great post. Bloggers do not write much on the subject of aging parents. Your family is lucky to have your parents and you as well. My own mother is 85 and going strong. We speak twice a day and see her regularly. It is important to take care and respect our elders!

  8. A nice reminder for all of mother lives alone about 2 1/2 hours from here. I don't see her nearly as much as I should due to the distance. But I try and keep up to date with what's happening with her health wise and do things that she can't do any more. We've never been close, but these past few years we've come to a warm understanding of each other. I'll remember this time more than the troubled early years.

  9. I'm sure those little things mean the world to your parents. You are so very lucky to still have them!

  10. Nice of you Vicki . . . to freeze up some meals for them.
    Great they are still living independently but it can be a worry too, I am sure!


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