Monday, August 3, 2015





We just returned from a wonderful and busy weekend in northern Michigan with my whole family and it was especially fun because both my girls were able to join us; including Megan all the way from Pittsburgh. We cramed a lot of activity into very little time, but managed to shop, jet ski, beach walk and much more.

I have lots of photos to share, but wanted to first share how much I enjoyed seeing my daughters spending time together. It is obvious that they miss each other and I kept finding them side by side, chattering away all weekend. When you have an empty nest with children all grown up, family vacations become difficult. But this weekend showed me more than anything before, how important it is to reconnect. Texting, phone calls and even face time are a great way to stay in touch, but it is the time spent together as a family that is the most important.

Happy Monday!



  1. Such beautiful daughters! Our sons are the same way...the smile and talk, talk, talk together. It pleases me also because they text each other all the time.

  2. Beautiful girls, Vicki! I know you are so proud of them! Glad y'all had a wonderful vacay!

  3. Amen to that! So thankful our girls have had time to spend together this summer before Katie heads up to TN in a couple weeks, and Elie is not busy with teaching/coaching. The girls look very happy to be together!!

  4. Family vacations are precious, indeed! I'm glad you all were able to be together!

  5. cutie pies!!! my happiest times are when my grown sons are with me at the lake, sitting on the deck, laughing and telling stories.....not only with me but with each other!!
    I hear ya girl!!

  6. Getting together with family should definitely be a priority in our lives. I am still feeling the glow from our beach reunion last month. Your girls are beautiful and I look forward to more photos!

  7. Love this pic! They look so happy! So glad you had a great time!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
family, books, gardening, palm trees, the beach, golf, up north, msu football, detroit tigers, walking with my dog, trying new recipes, musicals, BBC, martinis, yoga, lilly

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