Friday, July 1, 2016

Birthday Dinner




A birthday dinner that included my husband, my daughters, margaritas, Mexican food and a hot fudge sundae, instead of cake, was nothing short of perfection. How lucky am I that because my birthday falls close to 4th of July weekend, my daughters are usually able to be with me and help me celebrate.

They gave me lovely presents before dinner, then we met at Melissa's new apartment and made the short walk to the pretty and vibrant downtown area near where she lives. There are restaurants and shops, all surrounding a park where a band was playing patriotic music to help kick off the holiday weekend.

It was a lovely summer night to celebrate a birthday and tonight the celebration continues with fireworks and a symphony orchestra concert in a beautiful setting. Birthdays are my favorite.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend!



  1. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a relaxing 4th of July weekend! Tanya @The Other Side of the Road

  2. Sounds like a fabulous birthday!!!

  3. I think birthdays should be celebrated for the entire month so it's a happy thing that you can enjoy another weekend of celebrations - including fireworks! How many people get fireworks for their birthday?!!

  4. Sounds perfect to me:) Happy Birthday to you my friend, HUGS!

  5. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your weekend. Sounds like you're going to have a big time!

  6. Happy Birthday . . .
    Sounds like a perfect time with family, food . . . fireworks too!

  7. Happy birthday, Vicki! Sounds like you had a great one!


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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