Monday, July 18, 2016

This and That - Summer Television






Who is watching The Great British Baking Show along with me this summer? I was thrilled to see that PBS would air another season here in the United States and hope we continue to see more. I'm not sure what makes me so happy when I watch this show, but there is a sweetness to the contestants that is rarely seen on channels such as the Food Network. These British contestants are humble, helpful to each other and amazingly skilled at baking. Instead of producer driven drama with the baking challenges, we see from start to finish, truly amazing bread, cakes and desserts. It is quirky, fun to watch and even the setting ( a tent on a country estate) is beautiful and very British. You can easily catch up on the current season on





I'm still processing Season 2 of Outlander, even though it has been a week since the season finale. I loved many things about the season; some episodes more than others and do think if you love the books as much as I do, you have to find a different way of looking at the series. In the end, the changes from the book worked well and the character development became more in tune with how I see Jamie and Claire. The finale (especially the scenes from the 1960s) was my favorite episode and makes me very happy with how true many of the scenes were to the book. Season 3 will be a long wait, but will be highly anticipated since Voyager is my favorite of the books.

Happy Monday!



  1. I have been watching the baking show too! I watched most of it last year and enjoyed it. I've enjoyed seeing some unique baked item created- most of which I'm not familiar with so that's fun in itself! I have never watched the Outlander so I have no thoughts on it but that young man is very handsome!

  2. I love the Great British Baking show! I've recorded them to watch with my granddaughter who is coming soon too. I've never seen Outlander, but think I'll look it up soon.

  3. I read all the books so long ago that I actually forget many of the details, so I am just enjoying the series and not really comparing. I had a chuckle when I read "Infuse with Liz'" comment above where she says ,'that young man is very handsome'. Yes, yes he is. -Jenn

  4. Vicki
    I've been watching both series. Must be a baby boomer thing! I love the sets of the baking show. So cottage-y and sweet!
    Outlander was wonderful and I just ordered the set of books to tide me over until the next season. ;-)

  5. The baking show sounds fun; thanks for the recommendation. My mom has tried to get me to read the Outlander series, but it looks like a major commitment! haha I'm a slow reader, so it would take me forever! Maybe some day . . . .

  6. I fell in love with the Great British Bake off last summer and am so excited to see another season now. Love all the participants and the incredible creations they make. Haven't been able to get into Outlander. I may try another time. Looks good, just not catching my attention right now.

  7. I had never heard about the British Baking Show until Kelly mentioned it today in her comment on my post. Clearly I'm not watching enough tv!


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