Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Fireworks and DSO - Salute to America






It was one of those perfect Michigan nights; not hot, not cold, but just right for a sweater or sweatshirt. And, we took full advantage of the beautiful weather and attended the Salute to America at the always lovely historical Greenfield Village. It's a casual kind of night, where everyone brings their chairs, blankets and picnics and finds a spot on the lawn. There are big groups, families and children running around with glow sticks. Or, for the past couple of years, my husband and I have attended on our own (usually to celebrate my birthday) and have a fabulous time. There is wonderful music by both the Detroit a Symphony Orchastra and the United States Army Field Band. The music is mostly patriotic and the highlight is the 1812 Overture with live cannon fire.




The symphony plays right through the fireworks and the music is the perfect background to the the dazzling display in the night sky. It really is a salute to America and you come away feeling thankful for all the freedom we enjoy and the patriotism that was on display. It is one of my favorite nights of the year.

Happy Wednesday!


{Linking with these friends}

Savvy Southern Style

Between Naps on the Porch

21 Rosemary Lane


My Side of 50


  1. We had a great night of fireworks in our small town on Canada Day too! It was also a perfect way to end the holiday! Happy 4th!

  2. That would be fantastic to attend. I get chills at the thought of hearing the 1812 Overture playing while watching the fireworks! Love seeing the uniforms of long ago. I haven't been to Greenfield Village in too long.
    Btw- Happy Birthday!

  3. Sounds amazing! Sorry I missed ur birthday...I know those girls took care of you. Hope you ate lots of cake!! Happy birthday!
    Oh.....and a jacket on a July night ?? Enjoy these times cuz when u move to won't even own a jacket! 98 here today and everyday this week. SOOOO hot and humid

  4. This looks like so much fun! What a great way to celebrate the 4th!
    PS Living in Texas I can't even imagine having to wear a sweater in July. Lucky duck;-)

  5. Now that is a night I might actually be persuaded to get out in the crowd and enjoy the event! Love your photos!

  6. Looks like it was a wonderful evening. I love watching fireworks accompanied by music and live, symphonic music is the best!

  7. Ok, so I was wrong when I said that my husband's laptop was nicer then my own - his is obviously junk also... as I've been trying to comment on your blog for the past hour. Lol. I finally gave up and grabbed my phone.
    This looks like the perfect 4th of July celebration - glad that you had a great day.
    Next, your summer reading list sounds good. I never go outside of my reading comfort zone.. Sandra brown, James Patterson, I just can't seem to get into other genres. Happy reading . Have a great weekend.
    And if for some resin those other comments do post... pick one! Hahaaa

  8. Reason. What the heck. Fat thumbs and auto correct are my enemy! Hehe

  9. A very nice birthday date!
    I am in the mood for a patriotic concert!

  10. Looks like a great night and I love the fireworks. Thanks for sharing with us at #OvertheMoon.

  11. Thanks for sharing - one of my favorite 4th of July recipes from when I was little was going to see the Buffalo Philharmonic play down on the waterfront while the fireworks were going off. Symphonies need all the support they can get right now - who doesn't love to hear 1812 overture while watching the display? Happy belated 4th of July!!!! :)


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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