Friday, July 8, 2016

Summer Reading List



While summer officially starts in June, it always seems to really begin with the hot, lazy days of July. Pool days, vacation days and quiet summer afternoons perfect for reading a good book. My reading list is long at the moment with some varied choices. After reading Lunch in Paris and Picnic in Provence, I am interested in reading other memoirs about life in the French countryside. There are books by favorite authors, as well as installments in my favorite genre; police and mystery series. Here's to happy summer reading.


A story of Americans who first learn French and then buy a three hundred year old French stone farmhouse off the internet. This is the story of how they restore the farmhouse and learn to live in France.


A novel about the lives of three women during World War Two. Comparisons to Sarah's Key.


This book is highly anticipated. Liane Moriarty is one of my favorite contemporary authors.

Releases July 26th.


Always a good author for a summer beach read.

Releases July 19th.


Police Chief Kate Burkholder is back and fighting crime in an Amish community. She is one of my favorite female characters.

Releases July 12th.


Have a wonderful weekend!



  1. Great choices, Vicki. I put them on my must read list. Have a great weekend.

  2. This looks like a good list. Some are new titles for me!

  3. These books all sound great. I like memoirs, especially by people who move to other countries. I am in a friendly group on Facebook, We Love Memoirs. Every Friday they list free kindle memoirs, in case you are interested.

  4. Thanks for the reviews!! I don't believe I've read any of those authors.

  5. You always make summertime reading moments sound like heaven....a walk into the quiet haven of peacefulness! Wish I had done more of it in my "real" empty nest years....IE.....before grandchildren!!! Not much quiet time these days...
    If you don't already, you must follow Our French Oasis blog. The story of a family living in France. She is a wonderful writer and you would love her stories. I'll send you her link.
    Happy Saturday! Supposed to be 101 today. I am SO over summer.

  6. Enjoy the relaxing days of summer and happy reading!

  7. Beautiful books! Sounds like you have some great reading ahead! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  8. Happy reading . . .
    I am reading The Little Paris Bookshop . . .
    Thanks for adding more books to my list!

  9. Totally need to add Truly Madly Guilty to my list!

  10. I'll have to try a couple of these! Thanks!


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