Monday, July 25, 2016

Monday Morning Thoughts




Some weekends are busy weekends, filled with lots of activity and visits with friends and family. But sometimes, a weekend can be quiet and a time to recharge and reflect. There is a lot happening in the next few weeks; visits and cooking for my parents, some renovation to our master bath and other various odds and ends on my downsizing to do list.

It's the time of year where summer seemed endless just yesterday, but this morning seems to be approaching its end at a too rapid pace. There are still many things to look forward too, but oh my goodness, can August really be approaching within days?

I'm still walking as much as I can, but mainly sticking to the shaded paths whenever possible, since we are in the midst of a heat wave, like so many of you. I'm also still cutting flowers from my perennials; moving from one to the next as they bloom and fade. It truly is a joy of summer for me and what I will miss when we move to Florida. I will have to find a new type of plant that will thrive in the heat; a new type of gardening for me.

My coffee tastes good this morning as I wander through my yard deadheading flowers and picking up sticks and leaves from a day of summer storms. My coffee is now decaf; a decision I made last week and so far I have been feeling a lot better without caffeine. It's a new week and Monday morning is the perfect time for making lists and reflection on the days ahead.

Have a happy Monday!



  1. You are the second blogging friend who has given up caffeine. It's not something I want or need to do, but I do go some days without it and don't miss it. One cup in the morning is usually all I have, sometimes two. I don't drink sodas. Glad you had a quieter weekend, since you seem to have a busy week or so coming up!!

  2. giving up caffine is next on my list too! ( One addition at a time).
    I agree.. summer is just flying by and I wish it would slow down a bit. Hope you have a great new week!

  3. We don't have many quiet weekends, so I relish the ones that are. Florida grows some beautiful blooms and I'm sure you'll find many to love : )

  4. Florida! Well, you will miss the Michigan beauty so it's good you are savoring it. Sounds like a very busy chapter--and you're doing it decaffeinated! Wow--I am impressed!

  5. Love a recharging weekend and always excited when I can see one in my future. It's been so hot in NC and across the Country - so happy you are able to keep up with the walking!

  6. Totally need a vacation but also need time at home to finish up some projects...and the end of summer is coming so fast!

  7. Hibiscus will be a flower for you in Florida . . .
    I enjoy their vibrant colors . . .
    A flower everyday . . .

  8. I'm a Monday morning list maker, too. It makes me feel organized as I head into the new week.

  9. Sometimes just nice to relax because we try to pack so much into a day. I blogged about a day of "Doing nothing" at


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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