Friday, January 11, 2013

A Change by Blogger


Right before Christmas, I started to notice a change in how the blogs I read appeared on my iPad. After some research, and by leaving a question on the Blogger product forum, I was able to determine that Google had made a change without any announcement. All iPads users were now only able to read blogs in mobile view. This means I cannot see your full web version, including your sidebar, unless I scroll down and click through to that choice each time. Tedious, to say the least.

There has always been the option to disable mobile view, so readers with iPhones can see the full version of your blog. I had done that previously, but now it also applies to your iPad readers - 13% for my blog.

Blogger users can disable the mobile view very easily. Under your dashboard, click on Template, then the gear under Mobile view. Choose option to show full web version on mobile devices.

This is what it should look like after the change. It is totally up to you how you want your blog to be viewed by readers on mobile devices, but as one who uses my iPad 99% of the time - I would love to see your pretty blog as you designed it to be seen, without having to make extra clicks :-)

Have a great weekend! After seeing some of the pretty Valentine crafts some of you are making, I plan on getting some supplies together this weekend and attempting a couple projects.



  1. I don't use an iPad but my Daughter does, I will pass this along! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  2. You, as the blogger make the change so iPad users can see the full version of your blog :-)

  3. Thanks for the info! I stopped viewing on my ipad for that very reason! Have a great weekend!

  4. Oh cool. I didn't know that! Thank you for that info. happy friday!

  5. Thank you so much for this helpful information! I don't use an iPad so I wouldn't have known it was like this. I am going to fix it right now :)

    Have a great weekend!


  6. Great info! I shared this on Facebook too.

  7. Thanks, Vicki. I had no idea about this but I have made the change. Have a great wknd!

  8. Thanks for the info! My blog is picture heavy, and I hate how tiny they are in the mobile view. Going to change the settings now!

  9. I am glad that this could be remedied without the scrolling down to click web version like I have been doing. Thanks.

  10. Thanks for the tip! I don't really think a whole lot of my followers ready mine via mobile but it's good to be able to change it. I of course changed mine now!!

  11. Wow! Thanks! I use an ipad a lot, and hated this change. Grrr...

  12. I hate this problem. Do I look under the "settings" button for this?

  13. I'm an iPad user as well ill be doing this :) thanks

  14. I did would you please check and see that I did it right. I'm so computer unsavvy.

  15. Thanks for letting us know this, it's so hard to keep up with all the changes.

    I am going over to change mine now.


  16. Hi Vicki, Just found your blog from Susan's Outdoor Wednesday link-up and oh my, what a lovely blog you have. I am looking forward to reading more! I also struggle with a chronic illness (rheumatoid disease) so we have something in common. Being an avid traveler, I am also on a quest to develop a reciprocal blog friendship with someone is every state and I don't believe I currently have a blog friend in Michigan!! At any rate, you have a new follower and I am excited about reading some of your earlier posts! Sharon

  17. Hi Vicki! I just took care of this and really appreciate your clear instructions. Also, I have noted how generous women bloggers are with one another when it comes to helpful tips for making a better site. Some areas of life are a real cut throat competition, but not this one! Thanks for your help, I had no clue about this at all!

  18. Thank you. I didn't even realize my settings might have been a problem for mobile viewers. I changed them, following your clear instructions.


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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