Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thoughts for Thursday...healthy snacks, books, etc.


Things I am thinking about today...


  • These clementines (Cuties) are my favorite healthy snack right now. They are the perfect diabetic snack, because the small size encourages portion control. At 8 carbs per clementine, I can have two per serving and still not spike my blood sugar. They are high in fiber, which also helps with control. It is hard to find fresh fruit without paying a lot, this time of year. These are a great option.
  • I just started reading Blackberry Winter by Sarah Jio and so far it is really interesting. It takes place in two time periods; present day and 1933. A Blackberry Winter, the name for a late spring snow storm, hits Seattle in May. A reporter investigates the never solved disappearance of a child during the last time such a snowstorm occurred - 1933. The scene where the mother discovers her child is missing is well written and heartbreaking. I love a good mystery, so I am looking forward to finding out what happens.
  • I haven't written about reality tv in a while, but I have been watching. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has left us with a bit of a mystery. What is the big secret that Brandi told? The fall out has been interesting and I am not a fan of Kyle's treatment of Brandi at her dinner party. What kind of hostess lets a guest be attacked at her dinner table? Of course drama and tears ensued.
  • The Bachelor started Monday and since I was watching the football game, I missed watching it live. I tried to watch it on line, but the first show is just too repetitive, with all the introductions. Some of the women were amusing, but I look forward to the time when there are less to keep track of. I don't have an opinion of Sean yet - I need to see more.
  • It is going to be in the 50's and raining here the next couple days - in January - in Michigan. I hate this crazy weather. I'm sad all the snow will melt into a slushy mess. I like the snow - I am crazy like that :-)
Happy Thursday!



  1. Those clementines look so good! Portion control is so important. Some of the oranges I've found are really twice the size I need, so I've been making more of an effort to get smaller oranges and have one, just one, in the evening.

  2. I love clementines also. Such a healthy snack. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that will admit to viewing a little "trash" TV :) I love Sister Wives - it both fascinates me and makes me cringe all at the same time.

  3. It's going to be in the 70's here in January.Weird. And I am learning to eat healthier foods too - good luck.

  4. Oh girl... I am a housewives junkie. I gotta tell you... for some reason I am rooting for brandi to overcome her issues. ( Kinda like pulling for the underdog) . And that Faye... ughhh. Shut up already. I love the new girl yalonda. My favorite housewives are orange county! Cant wait for their return.
    did u happen ti watch lisa's spin off Vanderpump rules? I see another hour of useless mindless entertainment in my future.
    Sean on the bachelor seems like a nice guy. I'm excited for another drama filled season. : )

    Oh.. I read that brandi said that Adrien used a surrogate to birth her babies.
    I say, Of course she did....b/c Adrien was a man!!!! : )

  5. I do share your passion for clementines:)

  6. I haven't bought clementines in ages!

  7. Vicki, I just may pick up some clementines. They are a great snack. Easy to peel. The book sounds good. I love mysteries. Not a big reality show fan though.

  8. I just ate a clementine- they are soooo delicious :)

  9. All those Real Housewives are like watching a bad accident...but I keep watching!? We were watching the game, too, and then didn't miss too much and can easily catch up!

  10. I can't help myself when it comes to some of the Housewives, and the BH ones are just too much! I am always amazed that people will put themselves out there like that - I think they forget the cameras are there sometimes. The book you are reading sounds very good - one of my goals this upcoming year is to return to reading more. Also to eat healthier and exercise. Lots of stress weight gained this past year and I need to get back to my old self again. I always enjoy your suggestions about food and your recipes. Although I am not diabetic, I know I can benefit from eating less carbs and sugar. Ann

  11. I really love clementines and wish they were available year. They are indeed a very healthy snack, taste good, and are easy to peel! Have a wonderful wknd, Vicki - love, love, love your blog!!!
    God bless, Beth

  12. I bought clementines the other day as well! I think they are the perfect healthy snack. Thanks so much for dropping by L'Heure Bleue At Home.

  13. I'm slightly addicted to clementines : ) I'm reading The House at Tynford and like it so far. I skipped the first episode of The Bachelor because of the game, but I normally watch and my girls and I text while its on. One of the contestants went to uni with my oldest-she's a couple years ahead of her. I can't remember which one she is, but she did get a rose and according to my daughter, 'she wasn't one of the drunk girls'.

  14. Oh, I love those Cuties too! I think we always have a bag of them in the house. And I have to say, of all the Housewives shows, Beverly Hills is my favorite. :)


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