Friday, April 4, 2014

Practicing Yoga





My morning routine has changed significantly in the last few weeks. After writing the day's blog post over my morning coffee, I am now getting my body and my spirit moving with a yoga routine. In the past I have gone to yoga classes, but only found one I was really comfortable with, (taught by a friend) so I stopped going. But, I missed it. Yoga gives your body an entirely different workout than walking and the stretching and weight bearing poses are what I need to stay flexible, strong and balanced.

So, I purchased a DVD (Yoga Over 50) that I could use at home, got out my dusty yoga mat and found a new love. It is very calming and the stretching utilizes muscles I haven't moved in a long time. This DVD moves at a slower pace and explains each movement with really nice detail and flow. My goal is to work up to being so comfortable with the poses, that I can go to a class again and feel like I can keep up.




As a diabetic, stress is my enemy and I fight hard to remain as stress free as possible. With yoga in the morning and a daily walk in the afternoon I will have a healthy balance in my life - taking away stressful thoughts and keeping my days as calm as possible.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Good for you! The best I ever felt was when I was doing yoga -- I should make time for it again!

  2. Good for you . . . Inspiring! Yoga used to be part of my life too and I just never could feel happy going to the classes. I was operating out of "should" instead of enjoyment. I loved the stretching though and how it helped me sleep better too.

  3. Although, as you know, I practice Tai Chi, I may look for that DVD when I get home, Vicki...:)JP

  4. Also check out

  5. I'm a strong believer in yoga too. Sadly I've had to give it up for a while as my back heals. But I'll be back at it as s9on as I can!

  6. Glad it helps Vicki..With my arthritis, I have NO flexibility anymore..Yoga doesn't work for me..

  7. This is wonderful Vicki. I am a huge proponent of "soft" exercise as we mature. Yoga strengthens the body and calms the mind. A winning combination! (I didn't know you were diabetic?! .. that's an added challenge..) xxL

  8. oooooo thanks for the tip...just ordered the dvd!! I do pilates 3 x's a week and have wanted to start yoga on my days off!! Especially in my own living room!!

  9. I have never tried Yoga but it sounds like something I could use too! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!


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