Monday, April 7, 2014

Weekend Walks




It is amazing what a couple nice days and a couple of long walks can do to your overall mood. It's not that I was in a bad mood, but I just feel lighter when I get any exercise, especially out in the sunshine. And, especially when I can walk through the woods and over the bridges and streams. Experiencing the changing seasons by walking amongst the trees and taking the time to observe the small nuances, is very peaceful. Winter can be beautiful, but there is a sameness to the landscape. The unending white of the snow can be tiresome, so the green is a welcome sight.

Along with my puppy, I was able to explore my favorite paths that I had not seen since December. It is so much more peaceful walking on these paths, because there are no cars to break the silence. You might see an occasional neighbor walking their dog, but otherwise it is just you and the sound of your feet hitting the path. Your mind clears and thoughts come as they may. Time seems to stretch, with no thought to whatever needs to be done at home.

It is spring and the possibilities seem endless. So many sunny days outside to look forward to :-)

Happy Monday!



  1. I so agree. Getting out in the nicer spring weather is just invigorating! I'm hoping to get a puppy soon (a hope my husband doesn't share, unfortunately). :-)

  2. Agree. We had gorgeous weather over the weekend. It is pouring now! However, sometimes the quiet rainy days are great too. I was thrilled not to hear all school buses racing through the neighborhood this morning breaking the silence (the kids here are on break).

  3. After being here when we get home, be wonderful to walk...but with MY dogs,,,,

  4. We got out this weekend and walked along the Wabash; I felt SO much better after!

  5. I have my walking shoes sitting by the back door waiting for my first walk outside this spring. You are so right how much that spring air brightens ones mood. Happy walking!!

  6. I'm with Liz. I love walking and I have been waiting for the warmer days so I can get out there, too,

  7. I love being able to get out again. I was afraid to walk in the snow and ice, but am happy to get my walking program going again. xo Laura

  8. Spring: a time for renewal and breathing easier. It's so late, but so welcome!

  9. Yes, it's time to get walking outside again! My favorite part of spring is hearing the birds sing~~~

  10. I get to walk four times a day with Mollie..We both like being outside..


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Michigan ➡️ Florida
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