Friday, February 12, 2016

2 Things on Friday




I just finished my Book Club's selection for February and I wanted to share my review. This book had me curious, because while the movie reviews based on the book looked intriguing, I wasn't sure if there was enough of a plot to carry a two hour movie. Brooklyn is a sweet, but sometimes heartbreaking story of a young Irish girl and her immigration to America in the 1950's. Her new surroundings in a neighborhood boarding house, her new job working in a department store and her relationship with an Italian boy are filled with wonderful detail of the post war period in America, as seen through her eyes. She explores Manhattan, goes to the beaches of Coney Island and attends Friday night dances at the parish hall. The conflict in the story arises on a sudden trip to Ireland where her longing to stay at home and everything familiar clashes with her plans to return to her life in America. This is a wonderful story full of rich details and the triumph of a girl who arrived in America with little, but in the end, achieved her American dream.



Grey's Anatomy was back last night after a three month hiatus and it was nothing short of amazing. It was centered around Meredith and proves that this show is at its best when it is about its star. Her relationships, her feelings and her mixed up emotions are what still makes this show worth watching after twelve seasons. This show can still take you on an emotional roller coaster and there is so much history in the relationships that at times, no words are needed. There was some fabulous acting in this eposode and it was directed by Denzel Washington too.

Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Valentine's Day!



  1. I'll have to get the book. I saw the movie and loved it. Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. I haven't seen the movie, will READ Brooklyn first, thanks to you . . .
    Grey's Anatomy last night was the best episode I have ever seen . . .
    Absolutely award winning . . .

  3. Happy Valentines Day Vicki . . .
    Keep LOVE in our heart . . .

  4. My daughter read the book for school years ago, which at the time I was surprised.
    Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's day!

  5. I loved the movie Brooklyn, but never read the book. I stopped watching Grey's years ago. Maybe I can find the past seasons On Demand. I don't know why I stopped watching - I really liked it. Have a great weekend!!

  6. Love, love, love Grey's Anatomy!! Last night's episode was one of the top five best, I think. The book you reviewed sounds interesting. Need to look for the movie!!

  7. We saw Brooklyn a few weeks ago and absolutely loved it. Beautiful movie. I think you should see it and then let us know if the movie was faithful to the books and I think I may just have to read the book now. I never watched Grey's Anatomy.

  8. Have you seen the film? I haven't seen it yet, but liked the book. It seems there is always an edge of melancholy to books written around an Irish immigrant. My girls are still big fans of Greys but I quit watching several seasons back. Hubs doesn't care for it, but now that he's traveling I can probably watch it online somewhere.

  9. The book sounds interesting, maybe I will read it. I have never seen Grey's Anatomy, believe it or not. Ha ha.

  10. The book sounds promising. I'll keep it on my radar -you know I always enjoy your recommendations. As for Grey's Anatomy - I tried watching it the first year or two, but really don't like the main character (Meredith?) - she's too whiny for my liking. But I know it must be a good show because it has a faithful following after all these years.

  11. I've been wanting to see the movie, and now you've got me wanting to read the book. Would you believe I haven't watched Gray's Anatomy?

  12. Brooklyn is on my list of movies to see. Thank goodness for Netflix and On Demand since I never seem to make it to the theater!


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