Monday, February 29, 2016

Oscar Night



I have been to Oscar watching parties in the past, and while fun, this year I was equally happy to be at home in front of my own tv and very comfortable in my pajamas. A glass of wine seemed the appropriate choice for Oscar night, but I soon turned to my usual peppermint tea. Coziness rather glamour was my Oscar style for 2016.

All in all, and especially since I didn't see or don't really have interest in the big winner, Mad Max, the show was a little dull, until a few surprises at the end. Chris Rock had some good jokes, but was very one note. I miss the Billy Crystal type musical numbers, all about movies. One highlight for me was Lady Gaga's emotional song.

There were some really pretty and feminine dresses. As always I am drawn to color, sparkle and how the hair and jewelry work with the look. I also was a big fan of Julianne Moore in black with her pale skin and beautiful red hair. Cate Blanchett was flawless, perfect for the occasion and my winner of the night. Here are my favorite Oscar looks.








Happy Monday!



  1. I loved every one of these. Enjoy your week.

  2. Nice looks . . . some of my favorites too . . .
    I enjoyed "the show" more than usual . . .
    Mad Max . . . not a fan . . . big winner though . . .
    Lady Gaga . . . of late, I have been very impressed . . .
    The designer winner . . . oh my, not impressed . . .
    I stayed awake . . . right to the end.
    By the way . . . I enjoyed reading Brooklyn . . .
    Room and Brooklyn plus Downton Abbey final will be my viewing treats this week.
    Happy Leap Year Day . . .

  3. I unfortunately had to miss the Oscars this year. Decided to spend a night out with the girls instead, but I heard Leo won! I just love him. I'll have to catch the highlights later today.

  4. I love evening gowns...don't really have a place to wear one but it is fun to dream! I am your newest follower :)

  5. Naomi Watts was my absolute favorite-loved everything about her look. Runners up for me were Jennifer Garner and Saoirse Ronan. And Charlize Theron is amazing. She is always so on point when it comes to fashion. I thought the fashion was really good this year, fewer misses and lots that I really loved. The show itself was really dull though. I'm happy for Leo and also was really happy Mark Rylance felt like that was totally awarded him for acting and not so much personality. Oh, and I loved Dave Grohl's version of Blackbird. Overall it was such a sloooooow show.

  6. Cate Blanchett was my favourite too!! Classic Hollywood movie star!! We watched it in our pjs too after a busy weekend celebrating my leap year birthday.

  7. Pretty dresses. I haven't watched the Oscars for years and years. I just get angry with all the political talk. They have gotten away from what it's really about (my personal opinion). It is fun to see the dresses and who won the next day.

  8. I've not seen any of the films so, as usual, I just tune in to see the dresses. In addition to those on your list, I loved the gowns worn by Naomi Watts and Brie Larson. I like the idea of Alicia Vikander's gown but I think I'd like it better in a different color.

  9. I didn't see the movies and thought the show was pretty boring! I DO like to see the gowns:) I loved the yellow dress, it was my favorite:) Enjoy your day dear Vicki, BIG HUGS!


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