Wednesday, February 10, 2016

40 Bags in 40 Days {2016}





Today is Ash Wednesday and when I go to mass tonight, it will be a time of reflection, a chance for quiet and an hours peace. As I have for the past few years, I will be taking on a Lenten challenge, rather than giving something up. I will be doing the 40 Bags in 40 Days challenge once again and it is especially timely this year.




Life has been moving pretty fast lately and throwing more than a few curveballs my way. I think this project will be a much needed activity to move me toward many goals that are coming to fruition. Doing a little each day and seeing the process in tangible ways will be a positive step and a clear sign that I am ready for whatever life brings in the future.



So, there will be boxes to go through containing things I haven't touched in years. Some of these boxes have moved with us around the country and it's clearly time to let them go. My mantra will be when I move again, is this something I want to take with me? Most likely, for most things, the answer will be no. And, in the process, I may learn a thing or two about myself.

Happy Wednesday!


{Linking with these friends}

French Country Cottage

A Stroll Thru Life

Savvy Southern Style

The Charm of Home

Art and Sand

Between Naps on the Porch

Cozy Little House

Eclectic Red Barn

Skip To My Lou

Rooted in Thyme

DIY by Design

21 Rosemary Lane

New House New Home


Rattlebridge Farm



  1. I love this combination of work and reflection, and am inspired every year when you post the reminder. I have never made it to the full 40 bags, but I know I have think a better job each year at clearing out my house and my mind because of your devotion to this practice. Thank you. :)

  2. I think this is a good way to look at it, and something very worthwhile. I know in the past few months we have learned a lot about our selves while pairing down.

  3. This inspired me last year . . . and again this year . . .
    I started "bagging things up" at the turn from 15 to 16 . . . and have been sorting out, shredding, recycling since then. Each day I clean out a drawer, closet, shelf, corner.
    Amazing the things I have hung on to . . .
    Now they are vanishing!

  4. Good project for Lent!! Keep us posted!!

  5. We moved into this house 14 years ago and I tried to get rid of lots of STUFF that I didn't need! I need to do it again, even if I am not moving:) Have a productive day! HUGS!

  6. I was thinking about your 40 Bags in 40 Days project yesterday. I'm going to try and jump on board this year. It may not be a bag EVERY day, but it will be something towards clearing things out.
    As for Lent itself, I've never really observed it. But this year, I'm on a sugar fast. Need to lose a few pounds, feel better and watch my sugars. Step one is overcoming my sugar addiction. It's day four and I'm feeling better already.

  7. Very interesting.... I still have to decide what to do. I always practice abstinence and go to churches during the holy week but bloggers are inspiring me to do something more.

  8. Cleaning out can be daunting but so freeing. I've been decluttering the most I have ever done at the Charmer and getting everything organized and I dread doing it I always have a smile on my face when its done because I feel so good.

  9. Best of luck with your projects. The 40 bags in 40 days is a wonderful way to celebrate lent.

  10. I love the feeling of having everything organized. The problem I have is finding a starting point, so I often end up making list after list instead of organizing. I really like your plan for having a purpose and getting it done! Thanks for sharing.

  11. I've tried several times to downsize and declutter. I keep making progress, but I need to cut deeper. The memories are in your mind, not in a box in the basement. ;) Good luck - keep us all posted of your progres.

  12. I don't know if I will fill 40 bags, but I am decluttering - especially in our attic. It felt so good to take 3 huge bags to Goodwill last week. Now I need to get busy on this week's bags.

    Thanks for sharing at SYC.

  13. Love this! I did 40 miles in 40 days with my dogs. The 20 minute walks each day was a time of reflection and my dogs loved it! laura

  14. I am involved in putting an item a day into a donation box for every day of Lent. It feels so good to free myself from the burden of things I do not want, while benefiting someone else.


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