Friday, February 26, 2016

A Snowy Twenty Four Hours





Yes, it's still February and a measurable snowfall shouldn't really come as a big surprise here in the snowy north. But, we haven't really had much snow to speak of and it's easy to get out of the rhythm of boots, hats, gloves and firing up the snowblower. I don't usually have to drive when it's so messy on the roads, but this time, I had to run an errand in the worst of it. However, as bad as it gets, Michigan drivers are tough and everyone slows down and safely makes their way to where they need to go. It gets a little tricky when it's snowing harder than the snow plows can keep up with and the lane lines are covered, but we adapt.




It was still snowing in the morning but, I was lucky enough to be able to stay home and just enjoy the view. Outside my window there were big flakes falling, snow covering the tree branches and even a bright red Cardinal at my bird feeder. Everything was white and very beautiful. As the end of February approaches, we are almost through winter (hopefully) and I'm going to try and enjoy the season as it winds down. There may be more snowy days, but there will also be warm and sunny ones too, that remind us that spring is coming. And here, after fighting our way through a northern winter, it is most welcome.



Have a wonderful weekend!


Linking with

Between Naps on the Porch

Savvy Southern Style

21 Rosemary Lane



  1. These pictures are pretty. Im glad you do not have to drive in that stuff. Its been in the 50's here in North Carolina this month. We had one snow in January. It was made up of mostly ice snow and more ice. It only accumulated to 2 inches and the town closed down.

  2. Such lovely photos. I do love a beautiful snowfall...stay warm and cozy...spring is not far off now.

  3. That light puffy snow is my favorite. Sure looks pretty up by you!

  4. Even though I'm longing for spring, and we're supposed to hit 50 tomorrow, I'll have to admit that a fresh snow is pretty!

  5. I think I used to like snow a whole lot better when I was younger and didn't have to worry about falling and breaking a bone. Graceful, I'm not, but at least I used to be more rubbery than brittle. Fortunately, we didn't get a lot of snow, many snowfalls, but low accumulation. Still, I enjoyed looking at your photos, and got a kick out of the one with the cup on the snow-covered table. And that dog is so cute!

  6. The snow is beautiful. I will have to be happy with looking at pictures since we had a very warm winter here in Houston. I bet you are ready for spring!

  7. Oh my! Your photos are great, but I'm so glad I'm not there having to deal with it.

  8. We got the same storm here acroos the lake from you. But it was not nearly as afierce as storm as predicted and we only got your leftover snow of about 1". This weekend is supposed to be warmer. Gorgeous photos!

  9. We had all sorts of doom and gloom forecasts but ended up with just a dusting of snow. I guess we have been teased by a few balmy days but still have to remember that it is only February!

  10. This time . . . you received the snow . . .
    We had only 2-4 inches or so . . .
    Freshly fallen snow is so pretty though . . .
    Today, here, Saturday . . . a bright blue sky, no ice on my walking path . . . yay!

  11. We have been lucky this year, not really any snow. Yours looks beautiful.

  12. Oh SO beautiful! It is even more beautiful when you can stay in and enjoy it from the window:) Have a blessed Sunday dear Vicki, BIG HUGS!

  13. What a beautiful world, your wintry landscape is. I cannot for one minute imagine driving through such conditions, you certainly are brave and tough. Your puppy is so sweet. Gorgeous photos Vicki.


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