Monday, February 1, 2016

January Ends




What a strange January it has been. First, it is a month that usually seems to drag on forever, but this year, seemed to fly by. And then there was our weather. No significant snow to speak of and warmer than normal temperatures made for an unusual start to our winter. We are usually in a deep freeze, surrounded by piles of snow and barely able to poke our noses outside, except to scurry to the car and back. Yesterday, on the last day of January, it was raining and close to fifty degrees. I went out in a light jacket and tennis shoes and any snow we had is long gone. Is this our new normal?

I am looking forward to February, because it always feels like a harbinger of spring, even though I know there is still a lot of winter still to survive. I look forward to the start of Lent and my 40 bags in 40 days project where I will be making big strides this year to get ready for a future move. It's time to let everything go and my mantra will be - is this something I want to move? That should be a good motivator.

Easter is early this year and that always makes it feel as if spring will be here before we know it. Valentine's Day will run into St Patrick's Day which will run into Easter. I even got a touch of spring fever yesterday and treated myself to a small bunch of daffodils, featured at the front entrance of the grocery store. They might look a little mixed up with my winter decor, but they fit my mood this week.

So, welcome to February. It will be a busy month, a hopeful month and as always, one step closer to spring.

Happy Monday!



P.S. Did anyone watch Grease Live last night? I thought it was the best live TV musical production yet and had a fantastic cast with lots of energy. Having the live audience and bows at the end made it seem more like live theatre and this musical theatre geek loved it!



  1. So no snow in your area . . .
    We still have snow here although there was melting going on this week . . .
    So a move is in your future for sure . . .?
    How can you leave that walking trail . . .
    Your "forty days" commitment motivated me last year, this year too.
    I have already started my gathering . . .
    Happy days ahead Vicki . . .

  2. Darn it, I forgot Grease was on:( We are having a little rain here this morning and I am staying in! Hope February is a great month! HUGS!

  3. Our January weather was a bit different here, too. We had two snows but neither stuck around long. This past weekend's temps were in the 60s, as will the next two days. I'm thankful the 'midwest blizzard' will miss us to the north but sorry for those folks.

    I'll be joining you in your 40 Days of purging. We will be building the new house this year and ALL of that stuff will NOT be moving with us! Since I will have to touch everything, I will be making decisions about each and every item. Wish me luck! Have a very happy February, Vicki! Zenda

  4. It's 62 and sunny here. Just came in from my walk. Spring can't come soon enough!

  5. It has been in the 70's last few day!! Love it! Oh my, I did watch Grease, it was absolutely wonderful!

  6. It is hard to believe Ash Wednesday is next Wednesday, bringing us an early Easter this year. Time is flying and it just became 2016!! We'll be decorating a Christmas tree before we blink at this rate!

  7. I am so bummed that I missed Grease last night!!! I am right there with you in purging. Sally is in the last few months of high school and Paul is getting closer to retirement ~ Hopefully if everything falls into place we will be Floridians sometime within the next year or two. Meanwhile... we are slowly getting this old house fixed up.

    Happy February!!!!

  8. It was 45 here today, a freakin heat wave! I didn't watch it, so sad:-{. I've been purging like crazy and it feels so good.

  9. Ah, Grease LIVE, I wondered why everyone on FB was chattering about it. Now I understand what the hubbub was about. I missed it.
    Good luck with your 40 and I hope Lent is a good restorative for you!

  10. I'm bummed that I missed Grease. Our cable is on the fritz. Can't watch TV and can't record shows. I'm currently sheltering from a thunderstorm (in February?!?!?!) and waiting for the cable repair guy.


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