Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Morning Person?



Daylight savings time has definitely thrown me for a loop this fall. I'm wondering if it is the same for you? Ever since we changed the clocks back an hour and the darkness started to come so early, I can't seem to stay awake as late as usual. Why should one hour make such a difference? I have always been a night owl; staying up to finish my book late into the night. Or it wasn't uncommon for me to load the dishwasher at midnight. The past few weeks have been different - asleep early and then resulting from that, wide awake early.

I am seeing the early morning in a different light. I wander through the house when it is so quiet and still and enjoy turning on my seasonal lighting and the small lamps.

It is a view I don't often see - the sunrise and the soft and slow lightening of the kitchen, as I make my morning cup of tea or coffee. Have I become a morning person? I'm sure there will be a gradual lessening of the early nights and I will begin to wake later as my sleep rhythms return to normal. But for now, I will enjoy the early mornings, a different view of the day and my new identity as a morning person :-)

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I've always been a morning person, so you can imagine what time I'm falling asleep with the time change : ) My hubs is out of town and phoned last night. Woke me from what felt like a coma on the couch. I think it was a little after 9! I love the sunrise-my favorite time of day.

  2. This time change has really done a number on me!!! Great photos!

  3. I am experiencing the same thing! To bed earlier and getting up earlier. It is nice to see the sunrise.

  4. I'm having the opposite problem. I'm still staying up until my usual time, but my body clock is waking me an hour earlier (which would have been my normal time). I'm soooo tired.... I suspect it will all work out eventually, but it's amazing the difference an hour makes!

  5. I have always been a morning person. My kids hated it when they were growing up, but I just don't like the darkness. xo Laura

  6. The older I get, the more I've become a morning person. I don't like the early darkness either.

  7. I was finally getting back into a normal sleep pattern and then the time change arrived! I am with you, now I am ready to get to bed much earlier, but find myself wide awake early in the morning due to the early sunrise. I've been fighting it, but now I think I just need to embrace it and get going.

  8. By force these past couple of months I am a morning person as I get up sometimes as early as 4am to teach my online classes. The time change has wreaked havoc on my internal clock!!! I want to nap all the time!! As you said, I will eventually adjust and then the time will swing the other way again. Ann

  9. I'm not a morning person by choice, although I do have to get up early to get my son off to school. Seeing the early morning sun, though, is a great reward! My sleep cycle has been off, too, but it's the opposite of yours...I can't seem to fall asleep at night, even though I feel so tired. Yawn.

  10. It must be the time change . . . I can't seem to get my day activities completed because the day is ending in the midst of its beginning. Do we SAVE anything?

  11. I'm glad for the time change as I hate waking in the dark and here in Canada that's what it's like in the winter months. So these last few weeks where we get that bit of sun in the morning is so welcoming. But it always takes me a week or so to get used to the new routine. So you're not alone on that one.

  12. I am having trouble with the time too! About the time I get used to it, time will Spring forward:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  13. I, too, like waking up to the daylight. That's the only good part of DST.

  14. I am a morning person. I always get up early even on Sundays. In fact if I don't have to leave the house for work, I get up even earlier. :-)


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