Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Oo La La



My daughter Melissa and her MSU Pompon Team won their seventh straight Collegiate High Kick Championship on Sunday, with a fabulous performance displaying a french flair. High Kick is a precision routine that incorporates pompon kickline with inventive coreography and costumes. The team portrayed sassy, french maids and the music, costumes and routine all combined to bring a little piece of Paris to the competition.

Their feather dusters, bright green for MSU, were an unexpected touch and the crowd was amazed when the girls suddenly opened them for the first time. This team is known for their creativity year after year. I don't know how their coach keeps coming up with a new idea to top the one before, but she continues to do it.

Melissa is a junior this year and it has been a wonderful experience for her to be a part of this team and the consistent excellence they strive for. Our family has loved watching them and being a part of the MSU Pompon family. Collegiate sports are intense, but the rewards are many and seeing Melissa's hard work and hours of practice pay off is a proud moment for our family.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. I think it is great when kids find something they are so passionate about, and continue to work hard at it. This looks like such fun -- I would have loved to have seen a video of their performance! Your daughter is a beautiful girl!

  2. Congrats to her and the team! Such a great theme they the green feather dusters. It is so much fun watching your children do something they love and work hard for.

  3. Congratulations to your daughter and her team. That takes a lot of hard work. xo Laura

  4. looks like she's having so much fun! congratulations to her and her team!!!

  5. Gorgeous smile... you can tell she is having so much fun!

  6. What a lovely young lady. Congratulations to her and her team.

  7. What a beautiful young lady! Did you tell her she could practice by dancing around and dusting your house? Ha! Just a Mom joke. But really, on a large campus, it is nice to have a group to belong to . She's making life long friends in this (award winning) group!

  8. Lovely daughter of yours . . . you have a right to feel very proud.

  9. Congratulations to your daughter and her team! Both my daughters danced competitively and throughout high school but stopped at the college level, they were done ; ) I do miss watching them dance and how nice that you still get to see!


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